Chapter 41 - Freshman

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"Bears made of bone?" I exclaimed. Scott, Lydia, Kira and I were sat outside during lunch. Scott had just told us about their version of last night. Kate had some henchmen they were known as Berserkers. They were men who during a ritual using bear bones gained supernatural powers, but in doing so they channeled the bear's velocity and become mindless creatures. Scott, Kira and Malia were attacked by then last night, Kira said they were unstoppable, it felt almost impossible to defeat them.

"Yes, then Derek came over and I guess using all that power and anger caused him to transition back to normal Derek", he explained. Honestly I'll never understand the logistics of the supernatural world. Stiles had already told Scott about Peter being robbed. "I don't know what they could want the money for".

"I'm sure we will find out soon", I said before stuffing my face with the last of my tomato pasta. The bell rang throughout the school, we left the table and slugged back to our classes.

I don't know why but I had stupidly agreed to take Alfie out tonight. He wouldn't stopped bugging me so of course I had to agree to shut him up.

"Hello stranger", he said as he got into the passenger seat of my car.

"Hi there", I replied, pushing my hair over my shoulders. I don't know why I did this, I'm not trying to look good for Alfie, right?

"So where are you taking me on our date then?" He quipped, leaning back comfortably in his seat.

"Down boy, this isn't a date more like a friendly outing". I drove off, I was still undecided on where to take him.

"Well now I'm just disappointed", he sighed.

"You do realise half of Beacon High would love to go out with you, girls and guys alike, you're the fool that chose me". I looked over at him when I pulled up to a red light.

"You could see it like that but I think I'd have more fun annoying you than I would with any of them", he raised his eyebrows in a playful motion.


"That's you're favourite word isn't it?"

I didn't answer instead I asked. "Is it?"

"You do that a lot you know?" He pushed his hair back. "Whenever I try to get you to open up or show some emotion you close off".

"Look Alfie, I'm happy to show you around Beacon Hills, I'm happy to walk with you to class and I'm happy to have this playful banter but that's the furthest this will go", it was brutal but it was honest. The best way to be so no one gets confused or hurt.

"Okay, so where are you taking me on this friendly outing?" He rephrased his question.

I smiled appreciatively. "We are going bowling".

I absolutely annihilated Alfie in bowling, he tried to act like he wasn't bother but I saw the way his jaw tensed every time I would get a strike or a spare. I annoyingly enjoyed my time with him, it was refreshing to be around someone who doesn't actually know you or your life. They don't ask you uncomfortable questions or push you to answer them because they care. He was quickly growing on meaning I was going to have to start avoiding him, I can't get close to someone else again not after Stiles. So that's what I did, I avoided him in school and ignored his texts, if he tried to talk to me in class I would be blunt. His playful tone turned to annoyance, my rudeness causing him to be more bitter towards me. This was for the best.

"Excuse me". I was walking to my economics lesson, a huddle of girls blocked the entrance to the classroom. I politely pushed past them not knowing they were doing.

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