Chapter 37 - The divine move

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I woke up in a hospital bed, the clinical white lights from the ceiling above burnt my eyes. I squinted as my blurry vision came to focus on my dad. He slumped in the chair next to me, not realising yet that I was awake.

"Dad", my throat felt scratchy as the words made it out my mouth. "Dad".

When he saw I was awake he rushed over to me, he wrapped his arm around my neck I guess forgetting I had a wound there. A shearing pain spread through my neck and face so I pulled away.

"Oh honey, I forgot I'm so sorry I just", he looked deflated. "I'm so happy you're awake".

"How did I get here?"

"Well the police were called after those two guys ambushed you".

I don't know what he meant by that, I assume a cover up story Scott had told.

"The police brought you here and Noah called me". Silent for a moment he thought about his next words. "Emily, I'm so sorry to say this honey but your friend, she didn't make it".

The sweet bliss of ignorance, waking up in a haze not knowing what is going on or remembering what happened but as my dad said those words it all came flooding back. Allison was gone. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be with my other friends. I want us to grief together. I allowed the tears to fall from my eyes as the memory of Allison filled my mind, her hand going limp as she said her final goodbye. Another shearing pain this time in my chest, I have never felt like this before. I've never lost anyone so close to me before yet I felt like in her final days we had drifted apart and I can only blame myself for that.

Mellisa came swiftly into the room, noticing I was awake she cried. "Emily, I'm happy you're with us. How are you feeling?" She placed her delicate hand on my shoulder, a warmth spread throughout my body.

"I don't know". I answered honestly, I had so much pain so much emotion inside me yet I felt numb. "I want to see everyone".

"You will, we just need you to stay with us for a few more hours just to track your progress and see how your injuries are healing".

I nodded, I had no energy inside of me to fight. She did a few test on me making sure I was fully conscious and healing properly. My dad stayed in the room with me the whole time, he was showing me silly animal videos on his phone or FaceTiming my mum. I appreciated he cared but sometimes I like to be left alone. He asked me so many questions about what happened but I didn't know what to say so I just said I couldn't remember right now it all happened so quickly. He didn't probe me anymore which I was grateful for. My dad couldn't afford to take time off work especially with these hospital bills, I felt awful I had put myself in that situation and now my dad is stressed and overworked. I couldn't tell him the truth though.

Around an hour later I had my second visitor, Mr. Argent. "How you holding up kid?" I practically jumped up, wanting to get off the bed. "Hey, don't hurt yourself" he held onto my shoulders stopping me.

We stared at each other for what felt like minutes but I know was only a few second. It was like we were having a conversation, speaking a language only we understood. We didn't need to say words, we both knew what the either felt in those moments. He was such a strong man, he put on such a brave face but his eyes were broken, so much sadness lied behind them and I don't think he realised until he saw me. I reminded him of Allison, for those weeks we trained I was like a second daughter to him and he was like my dad. We embraced each other, I sobbed and I felt his breathing become restricted as he cried. When he pulled back he saw the wound from the Oni's sword on the side of my face leading to my neck.

"That's going to leave a nasty scar".

"You should've seen the other guy".

"I'm sure Allison would've been proud of how you fought".

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