Chapter 2 - Stiles Stilinksi

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When we reached the school, my dad wished my luck on my first day before I took a quick breath and opened the car door, stepping out into a whole new world. This was something I had never seen before, my school back at home was so different. It was dull and everyone there was moody and depressed but here everything felt light and people looked excited to be at school. I looked so out of place and soon other students began to notice that. People kept looking over at me and whispering to their friends, it's like they'd never seen a new person before. Maybe they hadn't, this is a small town. I can't lie and say I didn't hate somewhat of the attention as long as there wasn't a spotlight on me for too long. A teacher must've noticed how out of place I looked as they came over to me.

"Hello there dear", a lady with short red hair said. She had a kind smile on her but it felt kind of forced. "You must be the new student".

"Uhh, yeah", I said shyly, I felt intimidated by this strong presence which is not normal for me as I'm not a shy person. "I'm Emily".

"It's a pleasure to meet you Emily, I am Mrs Argent. If you follow me I will give you a little tour of the school, I'll show you where your locker is and I'll take you to your first lesson which lucky for you is with me", she spoke so softly that I couldn't help but to think it was all an act and she wasn't truly as sweet as she appeared. I nodded and followed Mrs Argent as she turned on her heels and walked up the path into the school.

She showed me around the first few class rooms until we got to the principal office which strangely didn't have the principal in, there she gave me my combination to my locker and showed me where it was. Then the bell rang giving me no time to put my bag in my locker, I rushed after Mrs Argent as she strutted down the hallway, she turned into a classroom and I followed her.

"Good morning class, I would like to introduce you to the new student here at Beacon Hills, Emily Williams. Her and her dad have moved here from Surrey, England". Once she said that there was a lot of chatter in the room like it was some exciting news that I was from England. "Settle down! She is still getting used to the school so if any sees her looking helpless don't be hesitate to help".

As I looked around the classroom I noticed one familiar face... Stiles. I also noticed a red headed girl looking me up and down and smiling, she had a little bit of a crazed look in her eye but her smile seemed genuine nonetheless.

"Take a seat next to Lydia", Mrs Argent said as she pointed to the desk next to the red headed girl. I smiled back at her and walked over to the seat.

The layout was so much different to my old school, we didn't have a table to ourselves. It also wasn't attached our chairs so I did struggle a bit sitting in the seat. This is going to take a lot of getting used to.

I tried my best during class to keep up with everyone else, this new curriculum and starting halfway through a term isn't helping my chances of a high grade. Looks like I'll have to be staying behind a lot to study.  After class the bell rang and I was finally able to explore my locker which would probably be my highlight of my day. After a few attempts of putting my combination in I was able to open my locker and if this is the highlight of my day then damn it was a hell of a disappointment. It also smelt a bit funky.

"Hey new girl", Lydia crept up behind me making my slam my locker door close out of fright.

"Damn it took me forever to put that combination in", I groaned.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you", she moved from behind me and leaned on the lockers next to me.

"No it's okay, I was in a world of my own", I tucked my hair behind my ear which was a nervous habit of mine, why was I nervous?

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