Chapter 45 - The plan that didn't work

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"So you told Malia?"

Stiles was taking me home. Before getting into his car I poured a water bottle all over my face, stiles gave me an old t-shirt, that laid in his back seat to wipe the blood off my face.

Stiles rubbed his thumb against his steering wheel. "No, she saw the dead pool list in my pocket where she was named as Malia Tate".

I didn't realise pay attention when Malia was talking about the dead pool list. I don't remember her being on it but I brushed it out to my forgetting when she mentioned it earlier but now I know for sure she wasn't. So that meant that had another part of the list and they didn't tell me.

"But she wasn't on the list?" I played dumb.

"We found out the other cypher key". Lydia and him had sent the past few days trying to find out the key. I didn't know they had solved it.

"And you didn't tell me?!" I exclaimed. I was kind of annoyed that I wasn't told.

"Sorry you've been busy lately with that British kid", he sneered at the last two words.

"Not busy enough that you couldn't tell me". I didn't mean to raise my voice but I was annoyed. "Seriously  Stiles who aren't you keeping things from?"

"Malia is different".

"Of course she is".

Stiles shook his head. The air between became thick, no matter how much we tried to act normal or go back to the way we were, we couldn't. I remembered how much frowning can cause wrinkles so I gently released the tension in my face. Stiles pulled up onto his drive, I muttered a goodbye and left. I felt his eyes on me as I walked into my house but I wasn't going to look back. I don't know if I was right or wrong for the way I was reacting but I didn't care.

"Emily, are you okay?" My dad was sat in the living room, his frown lines were prominent. I didn't see much of my dad due to him working a lot, he did it to keep himself busy. My dad struggles with negative thought so he works to distract himself. I think he's just unhappy with where he's at in life, I dare to ask about it though. He hated showing emotions or being vulnerable with me, he saw this as a weakness.

"I'm good". I walked over to my dad and melted into his embrace. Nothing makes you feel better than a hug from a parent.

"You were almost killed again", his words were muffled in my hair but they were shaky. It killed me knowing he was too ashamed to cry in front of me.

"I know".

He pushed me out of the hug and locked his eyes sternly on mine. "I'm going to talk to Sheriff Stilinski and see if there's any Deputy jobs going. I can't let this keep happening to you".

My stomach dropped, I knew my dad always wanted to work for the sheriff department since we got here. He was constantly asking Sheriff Stilinski about his duties and what a day would entail as a deputy. I just hoped this was curiosity and something he wouldn't actually go for, he was safe as long as he stayed around from the sheriff department. They are unprepared when it comes to the supernatural world so sadly when they come into contact with it, it normally ends in casualties or death.

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"The best". He kissed me on my forehead and brushed his hands against my hair. "I'll go call Sheriff Stilinski now".

I went up to my room and passed out on my bed. I woke up the next morning with a headache and the feeling that something bad was going to happen. There was a knock on the window, I tried to ignore it knowing it was Stiles but he's persistent.

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