Chapter 39 - Las Iglesia

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The first thing I noticed was how heavy my head felt, then how cold the floor felt beneath me. Feet shuffled next to my ear, I groaned signalling that I was waking up.

"Emily!" Scott's voice was clear. I felt a hand cupped the back of my neck assuming it was Scott's I slowly opened my eyes, however it wasn't Scott's face I saw it was Stiles.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked. I stared blankly at him, offended that he thought he had any right to ask that.

I looked over at Scott, who answered for me. "She's good".

In that moment I had remembered I was wearing a mini skirt I quickly tugged on it,
pulling it down, hoping it didn't reveal anything... private.

My eyes met with everyone's in the room. Stiles, Scott, Kira and Malia. "Where's Lydia?"

"They've got her", Kira informed me as she held her hand out to and pulled me off the floor.

"We need to get her", I walked over to the metal door at the end of the room, it didn't have any handle on it and there was no gap for us to slid our finger through to pull it open.

"I know but there's no way out", Scott told me. Obviously they would've tried already so there was no point in me trying.

"Did we even find out where Derek is?" I leaned against the wall.

"They don't have him". He rubbed his eyebrows frustratedly.

I slumped down to the floor in defeat. "So we came all the way out here for nothing?"

"He's in Mexico somewhere but they don't have him".

"We need to get out of here", Stiles was stood in the corner of his room, he ran his hand through his dark hair.

"I say when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it", Malia suggested.

"What about Lydia?" Kira asked her. We would never leave Lydia behind.

"What about her?" She shrugged, she would leave her behind.

So, Malia and I won't be getting along. How can she be so protective of me on the dance floor but also be happy to leave Lydia behind. "Excuse me? That's not happening". Malia might not be protective of Lydia but I am.

"Why not?" Is this really what Coyote's would do, leave someone in their behind to die?

"I'm not going anywhere without Lydia", I glared at her aggressively.

"Okay then don't come with us".

"We are not going anywhere without her", Scott said sharply. He was the alpha and Malia would have to obey him to be in our pack.

I looked over at Stiles who caught my glare and sheepishly walked over to Malia. "We don't leave without people. Remember, we talked about this?"

She nodded her head. They stood so close to each other, the way they looked at each other, how they spoke. I have really lost him, lost what we had. That was us, we were that close. Scott had seen what I was feeling, the sadness must've been all over my face. He gave me a reassuring smile, it was kind but his eyes, there was sympathy in them. I didn't like when people felt sorry for me or even pity, I don't want to be that girl.

Suddenly the metal door opened, three large men came at us with cattle prods. The largest of the three went over to Scott, he shocked him. I went for him but one of the other men pulled me back and had the cattle prod close to me. I didn't have any supernatural powers I wouldn't be able to take the voltage on one of those things. So I reluctantly stepped away from them. The last of the men went to Kira. They took Scott and Kira and we had no choice but to let them. I was left in the room with Stiles and Malia, totally not awkward.

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