Chapter 14 - Back to Beacon High

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I was getting ready for school when I heard a knock on the front door. I heard my dad open it downstairs and invited. whoever was knocking the door, into the house. I grabbed my claw clip off my desk, twisted my hair, placed it on the back of my head and clipped it. I put mascara and concealer on and I was ready to go. I strolled downstairs to find my dad talking to Stiles. "Morning sleepy head", my dad greeted me. "Stiles has offered to take you to school". Stiles stood behind my dad grinning at me. He looked really good unlike me who looked like she had just crawled out of bed.

"Okay sure". I grabbed my school bag and followed Stiles out of my house. The car ride was spent listening to Stiles playlist, which was filled with rock, 80s and pop songs. A very unique taste in music but I enjoyed it, we sang along to songs we both knew, belting out notes. Thankfully Stiles was an awful singer like me so our voices cracked a lot, it was a great way to start the morning. He parked the car next to a bunch of motorbikes, he mentioned that the green skinny one was Scott's, it was next to two identical black motorbikes. I had never seen them before and neither had Stiles by the confused look on his face. When we got into school, we went our separate ways, I needed to go to the toilet and he went to go and look for Scott. I passed a few notice boards on my way back from the toilet but only one caught my attention. It had two missing persons poster on it, Erica was on one and Boyd was on the other.

"Thank god she's gone, she was starting to get on my nerves". I turned around to see Lydia with her arms crossed and her face fixed on Erica's poster. Her eyes darted to mine and her face beamed as she wrapped her arms around me and brought me into a hug. "Hey, I've missed you".

"I missed you too". Happiness filled my body as I hugged her back. She placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me out of the hug, her eyes scanned me.

"I didn't miss your sense of fashion", she said disgusted. I shook my head and laughed, I had missed this.

"Shut up", I chuckled and placed my arm over her shoulder and walked with her to our lesson. On our way we say Allison at her locker, she was cramming books into her locker. "Hey Allison".

The girl jumped and dropped some of her books, I helped her picked them up off of the floor. She still hadn't noticed that I had greeted her. "Wait... Emily!" She shot her head up towards me and threw her arms around me, causing me to fall backwards onto the floor. "How are you, it feels like forever since I've seen you".

"I'm good, would probably feel a lot better when I'm not laying on the floor".

"Yeah you guys the floor is dirty and you're causing everyone to stare", Lydia remarked as she watched everyone looking at us. Allison pushed herself off me and extending her hand out to me, helping me up. I dusted myself off and looked around the corridor at everyone staring at us. I noticed a few new faces as it was the start of the year that meant new freshman and it seemed like I'm not the only one who noticed the new faces. Lydia began twirling her hair as her eyes followed a group of freshmen boys pass us. "Freshmen means fresh men".

"Fresh boys you mean", Allison said while putting the rest of her books in her locker.

"It's good you're both single, I didn't like being the only single girl", I said truthfully. More boys started to fill the hallways causing Lydia's eyes to light up. "It's also good to focus on yourself, not on some boy".

"Don't worry I don't want a boyfriend, I want a distraction". Lydia's eye fell onto something in the hallway, I looked over my shoulder to see twins. Hot and sexy twins and they knew it. They strutted down the hallway with their helmets in their hands, they were wearing biker jackets maybe they own the bikes outside. They stalked the halls, eyeing up every girl they walked past, searching for their prey. They commanded the attention from everyone especially Lydia she couldn't take her eyes off them as they walked past. The bell rang taking our attention away from the boys. "Time for English". Lydia turned on her heels and walked to English with Allison and I trailing behind her. She walked into the classroom, glanced over the room then walked over to the table next to stiles. There was a spare seat in front of Stiles so I walked over to that one. He grinned and raised his eyebrows to show that he acknowledged me. I smiled back as I squeezed into the seat. I was still getting used to these god damn tables. Chatter filled the room as we waited for our English teacher, I think someone mentioned that we were going to have a new teacher this year. The chatter was disturbed by everyone's phones going off, mine vibrated in my pocket and I got it out to read a message from an unknown number.

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