Chapter 8 - Lydia's party

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"You're finally here!" Lydia exclaimed as she swiftly opened the door. She wore a grey striped dress that complimented her pale skin. "You look amazing and you're wearing grey like me, surprisingly I don't hate it".

"Thanks", I nervously tugged at my grey dress.

Lydia grabbed my arms "don't be nervous, come in". She pulled me into her house then closed the door behind me. Her house was cosy and welcoming, it eased my nerves. "So the party will mostly be out the back garden, I have a drink fountain out there". She dragged me out the back and showed me the fountain which had pink liquid pouring down it. She got a glass from the table and put it in the liquid filling up the glass, which she then handed to me. "I made it myself".

I took the cup off her and slowly raised it to my lips, I sniffed some of the aroma from the drink and it smelt fruity so I placed the glass to my lips and tilted it upwards so the drink would fall into my mouth. As the liquid touched my tongue my taste buds began dancing and a sweet taste filled my mouth. "That is delicious".

"I know, now fill some glasses up to give to the guest", she ordered kindly. I did as I was told and began filling up the cups. She placed a few neatly on a tray and took it out with her to the front door. I filled a few more cups then the doorbell rang, it was Allison. "Hey, you look great".

"Thanks, oh what's this?" I heard her say from down the hallway. Lydia must've given her one of the drinks. "Wow Lydia this is pretty good".

"I know". I heard their heels clicking on the floor as they walked down the hallway.

"Emily, hey you look so beautiful", Allison came over and gave me a hug.

"I feel a lot of compliments going around but none coming my way", Lydia remarked.

"Well you know you look amazing", Allison said as she broke away from our hug.

"Yes, I know but I also like to be told", she said in her usual sassy tone.

"Lydia you look incredible", I said as she did a little twirl. She still had the tray in one hand as she gracefully balanced it.

"Thank you", she smiled satisfied. The doorbell went away sending Lydia away to go and greet her guest.

"How you feeling? I heard about yesterday", Allison asked as she placed her hand on my arm.

"I'm good, just getting used to not getting in supernatural creatures way". I tried to make light of the situation but I could tell but Allison face that she was worried. I've never had a friend be so worried over me.

"Yeah it's hard at first, how's your thigh as well?".

"It's mostly healed now and it doesn't hurt anymore". I lifted my skirt up revealing a now healed scratch on my left thigh.

"I'm happy you're all good", she said sweetly smiling. Her smile was so infectious it was big and beautiful and the way her dimples came to life just made you want to smile back no matter the situation. I could hear people talking and coming down the hallway, it sounded like boys. Stiles and Scott walked down the hallway confirming my guess. Allison walked over to the two boys and I followed. Stiles was wearing a green top with a blue checked over shirt. He looked really good. "Jackson's not here", she said bluntly. Scott tensed his uneven jaw at her action, I looked between the two of them and noticed something was off.

"Yeah no one's here", Stiles said tucking his hands into her jean pockets.

"It's early", I replied being optimistic.

"Well that or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job". I hate to say it but he has a point, recently people have been avoiding Lydia as she's been acting, to put it kindly, crazy. We all turned to watch Lydia as she wandered about by herself, holding her tray of pink drinks. I felt sorry for her.

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