Chapter 42 - The Party

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I picked Liam up, he nervously sat in my passenger seat. Not like how Alfie acted when he first sat in my car. We awkwardly exchanged greetings before I drove off. I had my playlist on I normally use for studying, just a bunch of random songs. The newest R&B song was playing, Liam began nodding his head to the beat.

"You like R&B?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah it's pretty good", he replied but he stopped nodding his head. I hope I didn't embarrass him.

"So how are you finding school? You know being a freshman and all". It wasn't the best questions or one I cared about but better than sitting in silence.

"It's okay, your lacrosse team sucks", he blew air sharply from his nose.

"It didn't look like that yesterday when you ended up on the ground crying in pain", I said playfully to see if he would join in.

"Hey, I wasn't crying", he said biting but playing along. We both laughed, now I feel bad that I'm basically tricking him.

We carried on the conversation talking about our favourite movies and music, it seemed we had a lot in common. Liam actually seemed like a decent guy, I just hope he doesn't hate me too much when be finds out there's no party.

I pulled up to Lydia's house, it was dark and looked empty but I knew everyone was inside waiting for us.

"Where is everyone?" Liam asked noticing the quiet atmosphere, Lydia could've at least put music on to make it seem like a party.

"We are early", I said brushing it off. "They'll arrive later. Come on" I linked my arm with his and guided him through the front door. I opened the front door revealing Stiles, Malia, Kira, Lydia and Scott standing around a table that had chains laying in them. I pushed my back on the door, closing it, Liam turned wanting to leave. "Sorry".

"What the hell is this?" Liam was annoyed, I felt bad.

"Think of it like an intervention, you have a problem Liam", Stiles said taking the lead and stepping towards Liam. "And we are the only ones that can help".

"We are like you, well most of us are. Malia is a werecoyote, Lydia is a banshee, Kira is a kitsune and I'm a werewolf", Scott took over.

"What are you?" Liam jerked his head towards Stiles.

"Uh for a little while I was processed by an evil spirit", Stiles said, scratching his eyebrow. "It waa very evil".

"What are you now?"

"Better...", he furrowed his brow.

"And you", he turned to me.

"Try me and you'll find out", I quipped. The corner of his lips curled.

Liam looked over to the table at the rusty chains. "Are those for me?"

"No they're for me". Malia said showing her glowing blue eyes.

"How did you do that?" He stepped backwards, bumping into me.

"You'll learn", Scott stepped forward. "But first you need to get through the full moon".

"And you're starting to feel something aren't you?"

Liam grew angry. "I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut jobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds", he raised his voice louder. "I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to god I'm gonna...". He knelt down, holding his hands against his ears. I stepped away as he stumbled around the room panting.

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