Chapter 40 - Moving on

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Young Derek sat in the passenger and Malia joined Lydia and I in the back. I was too exhausted from our day so I slept the most of the way back, I rested my head on Lydia's shoulder and closed my eyes. When we got back to Beacon Hills Stiles dropped Malia and I off while he, Lydia and Scott went to the animal clinic to find out what had happened to Derek. We had school in a few hours so I wanted to at least be well rested for my first day back. Especially if I was going to be seeing that annoying boy from the plane.

I drove myself to school, I haven't done this in a while. I didn't drive when I went to England as I didn't want to get confused by driving on opposite sides of the road. After second period I texted Lydia to meet me by my locker.

"I feel so tired, I barely got any sleep last night", Lydia yawned gracefully. By looking at her you wouldn't tell she only has four hours sleep, her skin was glowing. "I'm going back to the animal clinic can you cover for me next period?"

I yanked my locker open, it was always so stiff I've had some embarrassing moments trying to get it open. "Of course, what's happening with Derek?"

"Honestly, we don't know yet", she chewed her lower lip, a habit of hers.

I exchanged my books in my locker to the ones for my next class. In the corner of my eye a photo of Stiles and I rested on locked door. I had put it there a few months ago, I took it with a Polaroid camera when we were hanging out in my room one time. His eyes squinted from the flash on the camera it alway made me smile because I'd remember when he spent five minutes blinking and rubbing his eyes as it was so bright. I pulled it off my locker door and crumpled it in my hand.

"There she is". There's that infamous English accent I've been waiting for all morning. I turned around as Alfie strolled over to me coolly running his hand through his floppy hair that was covering his eyes. God did he look good, and he knew it as well. He was also much more taller than I remembered, he was almost towering over me. He grinned widely at me showing his pair of matching dimples something I hadn't noticed before, with warmth rising to my cheeks, I felt nervous.

"Oh it's you", I said trying to act unbothered by his presence.

"I thought you'd be more excited to see me, since we are friends", he teased. A group of girls had walked past practically gawking at him. They whispered to each other and pointed at him, he smiled at them causing them to squeal in delight.

"Wow you're really making an impression around here".

"What can I say? I'm the new British kid, girls love a guy with an accent and it doesn't hurt that I am charmingly handsome".

"You give you're too much credit". I rolled my eyes.

"You don't think I'm attractive?" He smirked, a light glinting in his blue eyes.

It was evident he was attractive, every girl in the school could tell you that. The way he makes me care about how I look when he talks to me, shows I clearly am attracted to him but that's not something I want to admit. I looked at him for a beat longer than acceptable of a girl claiming to dislike a boy. "No".

"Your eyes tell me otherwise".

"Ahem", Lydia coughed. I blushed with embarrassment as I remember Lydia was right next to me, I was so focused on Alfie I forgot about Lydia.

"Oh yes sorry, Alfie this is Lydia", I introduced them. She gave me an impressed smile, she clearly liked what she saw.

"Lovely to meet you Lydia", he flashed that dashing smile of his at her.

"Hmm", she looked him up and down acting like she was measuring him up, if you knew Lydia you'd know she did that in the first second he came over to us. "Emily you lied, he is super cute".

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