Chapter 9 - Master

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"Sorry, say that again", a bewildered look filled Stiles face.

"Matt, he is the master I just saw him with Jackson as the kanima wrapping his tail around his leg", Scott described as he tried to catch his breath . Sweat formed on his forehead and slowly dripped down his face. "We have to stop him".

"It does make sense, Matt did give Jackson his camera and he was the one who found that video was missing", I remarked, both the boys surprised that I knew this information. "What? I have ears and you guys don't exactly talk quietly".

Scott raised his eyebrows in disbelief before wiping his forehead. "Stiles we have to go to you house and look in those yearbooks you have to see if he's there or if it gives us an indication as to why he is doing this".

"I'm coming with you".

The boys gave each other a look, Stiles chest rose and he let out a deep sigh. "Fine you can come with us", stiles said reluctantly. We walked to Stiles keep, I hoped in the back while Scott rode in the front with Stiles. It was long until we were at Stiles' house. My eyes wandered over to my drive way, my dads car wasn't there. He must still be out, I hope he's enjoying himself. However, when we entered Stiles house it soon became clear that my dad wasn't out with Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles' dad greeted us as we came through the door, stiles gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before running upstairs.

"What's going on?" His dad asked, following us upstairs to Stiles' room. This was my first time in his room, normally I'm seeing it through my window. It was more spacious than I had imagined but most of the floor was covered in his dirty clothes. He must've forgot they were there and didn't want me to see them, he quickly rushed around his room collecting his dirty clothes off the floor and putting them in a pile in the corner of his room. His room was dimly lit, he had a few lamps scattered around. He grabbed the pile of yearbooks and gave us one each to look through. "Is anyone going to answer me?" Sheriff Stilinski stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Sorry dad, we think we might have found the murderer", Stiles said as he eagerly flicked through the pages of the yearbook. I opened the one he gave me, it was a red, 2006 yearbook. I swiftly flicked the pages looking for Matt or anyone that might look like him.

"What do you mean, you found the murderer?" Sheriff Stilinski squinted his eyes in confusion. I kept my attention on the book and continued to look through it. I flicked the page, my eyes scanning the photos until they fell upon a boy, it was Matt. I moved my eyes over to the names and there I saw 'Matthew Davies'

"I found him", I shoved the yearbook in Stiles' face. His grabbed the book off me and grabbed a red pen, he started circling his face and name. Scott and Sheriff Stilinski stood behind us and watching over Stiles shoulder as he crossed off names.

"So this kid is the real killer?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"Yeah", Stiles leaned back in his chair, sadistically happy with this revelation.


"Yes", Stiles snapped.

"No", Sheriff Stilinski said sternly crossing his arms and walking towards the door.

"Dad! Come on, everybody knows that police look for a way to connect victims in a murder, Okay?" Stiles stood up, pushing his chair backwards. It accidentally hit Scott causing him to stumble backwards. "All you have to do is, like look through their transcripts and figure out what class they all have in common.

"Yeah, except for the fact that the rave promoter, Kara, wasn't in Harris' class".

"All right, okay, you're right, sorry. Then I guess they dropped the charges on him?"

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