Chapter 43 - The Orphans

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Maybe sitting next to malia was a mistake, I wanted to be friendly but the whole time she just talked about Stiles. She would shout his name and cheer for him anytime he did something, whether that was running, falling over or getting close to the ball. It was rare Stiles ever had the ball in his net but his dedicated to to try was admirable. Two rows in front of me Alfie sat with Kate who was in our English class. She was one of the girls always around him, laughing at him, she was probably the one who insulted me about my scar. I was ashamed of my scar but I knew the looks people gave me, what they knew was that some guys tried to rob Allison and I and I'm the only one who got out alive. A sad tale but not as tragic as the truth, the bliss of ignorance.

We were doing well, better than normal especially with Liam on the team, from what I'd seen he was really good to begin with but now with his supernatural powers he was a force to be reckon with. Yet it wasn't him I was watching, I couldn't take my eyes off Stiles. I wish I could turn these feelings off, I wish it was as easy for me as it was for him. Maybe I should take a leaf from his book; get over someone by getting under someone. Every time I spoke to another boy or even looked at them I just compared them to Stiles and how unlike him they were, well except when I spoke to Alfie but he is a prick. I was outside yet I needed some air, I lied to Malia and told her I was going to her some snacks, she asked for some chocolate, she'll be disappointed when I accidentally 'forget'.

I walked into the school, it was quiet and I knew no one would be in here. I strolled through the hallways towards the lockers, I was too in my own head to see where I was walking. It had been over two months and I'm still in love with Stiles, I always see him and Malia together yet I'm not used to it. I kind of pushed everything down over the summer tried my best not to think about it, when I was home no one knew anything. I had no one to talk to about anything and I wanted that. I wanted to feel normal again but it didn't work, I don't feel like myself unless I'm here at Beacon Hills. I miss Allison, I miss seeing her face in the crowd at school or standing by her locker. I missed seeing her dimple every time I made her laugh. School doesn't feel the same, this year was going to be so different. My vision became blurry, tears slowly falling from my eyes and landing on my cheek. I stopped walking and sat on the steps next to me. I hung my head in my hands and cried.

"Emily?" Footsteps grew closer to me. "Are you okay?" Alfie must have followed me.

I rubbed my hands against my eyes. "I'm fine".

"You don't seem fine", he stepped closer.

"Did you stalk me?"

"I just wanted to talk", his voice was sincere and for a second I almost believed him.

"You should go back to your date, I'm sure she'll be missing you", I snarked. How could he go on a date with someone like her?

Alfie let out an exasperated sigh"It's not a date, I just couldn't stand her asking me anymore so I said yes".


"Ems what's wrong?" He sat next to me. "You can tell me".

I froze. Only Stiles had ever used that nickname, it felt sacred to us. I guess nothing is sacred to us anymore.

"I can but I won't", I felt defeated. I struggle to open up to people and the one person I opened up to, left me.

"Why not?" Alfie's eyebrows knitted together, he didn't understand.

"We aren't friends". The reply was blunt but truthful.

"I know but sometimes you just need an ear, someone who will listen. It might make you feel better".

He was right, it might. I chewed on my bottom lip as I contemplated telling Alfie about everything... everything not supernatural. I was dragged out of my thought by a crashing sound that echoed throughout the hallway. I stood up and looked in the direction of the lockers. "Did you hear that?"

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