Chapter 32 - Nogitsune

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The doctors assumed Stiles had dementia. No one really said the words but it was obvious, I remember one night before the summer Stiles and I sat on the roof and we watched the stars and talked for hours. He told me about his mum, how amazing she was, beautiful, kind and caring. How well her and her dad got along, how she was always there for Stiles until she wasn't. She has dementia, she suffered dearly with it. I remember his voice breaking when he said the word, 'dementia'. We didn't really talk about it again, I didn't want to bring back any painful memories for him but I know when we sit on the roof and watch the stairs he's thinking of her.

Scott and I were wishing him luck before his MRI scan. Stiles looked so drained, so different, his eyes were dark, there wasn't his usual sparkle in them. He was pale, his skin almost looked green, seeing him like this broke me but I put on a brave face, I must be strong for him.

"You know what they're searching for right?" His voice was quiet, he sounded so defeated. Scott and I nodded our heads in unison. "It's called frontotemporal dementia". Again his voice broke on the word 'dementia' and it felt like a tiny piece of him broke with it. "Areas of our brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers and there's no cure".

A lump formed in my throat and my nostrils began to flare, I was trying to hard to be strong but our eyes locked, his looked so empty. My eyes swelled as the tears began to fall, I shook my head disappointed in myself. I should be the strong one yet it's Stiles who reaches his hand out and holds onto mine. His rubbed his thumb gently against my hand trying to reassure me.

"Stiles if it is that, we will do something", Scott said, moving closer to us, a tear had fallen onto his cheek.

I placed my hand on his jaw and with my thumb wiping the tear off his cheek, I mustered smile. How is Stiles being stronger than both of us, we should be comforting him, I know Scott felt the same as me. Scott pursed his lips together, the corners or his mouth curled, the best smile he could do. Stiles went quiet, we all knew why, there's no cure. What could we do?

"I'll do something", Scott said.

I squeezed onto Stiles' hand before letting go and wrapping my arms around his neck. I sniffled into his neck as we cried silently, his body was so cold. I didn't want to release him but I know I had to, I pulled away giving room for Scott to come in and hug him. More tears were shared among us, I held Scott's arm as we walked out of the room and joined Mellisa and Sheriff Stilinski in the viewing room.

We were 30 minutes into the MRI scan, it was meant to take 45-60 minutes, I prayed those minutes went by quickly. Scott went into the waiting room, I think Derek was out there talking to him. Sheriff Stilinski held me as we watched Stiles. You couldn't really see him only the bottom half of his body and he was hardly moving, every once in a while I'll see his hand or foot twitch but in these things you had to keep completely still. Sheriff Stilinski and I never spoke about what happened the other night with Lydia but we didn't need to, we had forgiven each other and needed to be there for Stiles. I got a few texts from my dad asking how Stiles was doing, how I was doing. Even some from my family back home, my dad had been so busy with work they were really over working him, I hardly got to see him anymore. He hardly got to see the Sheriff, they still have their weekly catch up while watching the baseball but that had been cancelled this week due to Stiles being in the hospital.

The MRI scan was finally over, and his scans had come through and the doctors sat silently for a few second examining them, those seconds felt like forever. Melissa's face stayed straight, I couldn't tell if it was good or bad news so I had to wait for the doctor to speak.

"You see this? This tissue here and there", he pointed at the red markings on the scan of Stiles' brain. "Both these spots are showing signs of atrophy".

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