Chapter 15 - The Vault

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Allison picked me up at around 7, it had been a few hours since she messaged me since then she sent one more message 'I think Scott can help us'. Today had been a day of strange occurrences and I feel like there's still more to come. She handed me a pen as I got into the car and asked me to outline some patterns hoping it may help us figuring out what it is. I couldn't find much of a pattern I just knew it matched with hers.

"So where are we going?" I questioned her as she drove down a street I had never seen before.

"Well, Scott and Stiles are at a party so we are going there". She replied passing me her phone. "Keep calling Scott".

The phone call ended so I redialled Scott's number, ringing sounded throughout the car as we awaited him answering the phone. It took a few more tries before he finally answered.


"Scott I'm with Emily, we need to speak to you where is the party?" She spoke loudly so he could hear her.

He hesitated before telling her the address of the party, she thanked him and hung the phone up. She continued driving until we were outside a brightly lit house, I could hear the music from down the street. She parked right outside the house, we got out and waited for Scott. I was hoping stiles would come out with him but only Scott came out of the house.

"Where's stiles?" I stupidly asked.

I regretted the question as Scott answered "he's downstairs making out with the girl who's hosting the party". His face dropped along with mine as he realised what he just said. Allison shot him a stern look, do they know I like him?

"Oh ok".

"Look Scott we've come here because we need your help with this". Allison held her arm outwards exposing her bruise to Scott. I lifted my sleeve up and did the same, placing my arm next to Allison's showing that it matched. "Lydia thinks it's pareidolia".

Scott's eyes widened, he gently held our arms and moved them inwards toward each other. "I don't know what this is but Derek definitely will".

"No! We are not going to him", Allison snapped bringing her arm back to her side. "He killed my mum".

After Lydia's party I found out that Allison's mum had died, she didn't come to school for a while and didn't let anyone come and visit her. I sent her a letter but didn't get a reply, soon I was the one who was being distant, I selfishly thought of myself and not Allison even though she was going through something so heartbreaking. She is strong though, extremely strong not like me and she soon was back to her normal self. I regret it all the time.

"I know I get that but he is the only one who is able to explain these marks", Scott's voice was calm as he moved closer to Allison. She took a deep breath before gently nodding. "We will have to go to him tomorrow, he's not answering any of my phone calls tonight".

Allison took me home after, she was quiet the ride back, I knew she was thinking about her mum and I had to say something. "Hey al, I just want to apologise for not being there for you when you lost your mum, I was really selfish and kept to myself. I should've been there for you but I was such a crap friend and I'm so sorry".

"No Emily don't be sorry, you tried to make an effort and be there for me, you even sent me a letter. I was the one who was distant and refused to see anyone. We are all going through our own battles and Stiles told us why you were distant and it's understandable". She rested her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me.

I appreciated the gesture and placed my hand on hers. My mind drifted elsewhere, the street lamps passing by, the sound of rain on the window. I hid my face away from Allison as tears formed in my eyes, I looked up trying to stop the tears from falling but it didn't work. Two tears fell down my cheek when we arrived outside my house, I wiped them off and said goodbye to Allison.

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