Chapter 1 - Fresh start

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Have you ever started fresh? Moved to a place where no one knows you or your past. This was my first time doing just that. I've lived in Surrey in England my whole live in the same house, the same town and surrounded by the same people. My dad works in a factory the only one of its kind in the U.K, however, their company is worldwide and there's factories in China, America and other parts of Europe meaning my dad has been offered many opportunities to move around the world and work at one of the other factories. This is something he has always wanted to do, which has caused a lot of arguments between him and my mum, she has never wanted to move away and neither did my brother or sister. So we stayed here in Surrey, I have always wanted to move away I was bored here and had issues of my own that I won't go into but it was stuff I wanted to move away and forget. It wasn't until earlier this year when my dad was offered to move to California and work at one of their factories in a place called Beacon Hills that I got what I wanted. They were offering him a promotion, this was something he couldn't pass up and with my mum and him always arguing because of other things which is also something I won't go into and my siblings being old enough to take care of themselves and not have to move away he was finally able to take the leap. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time for me, I needed this. So I packed my things and went with him.

After a ten hour flight, we had arrived. The company gave my dad a car and it wasn't too bad, I'm not great with car brands so the best way I could describe it was black... yeah black is the best way to describe the car. It felt odd to me being on the other side of the car being a passenger where the driver should be but I guess this was something I had to get used to, especially since I would have to retake my driving test here. My dad said that's the best option for me to get used to driving in America, but it shouldn't be too hard as they drive automatics over here which is easier than my usual manual car. I watched the world go by as I thought about my new life here. From the corner of my eye I could feel my dad watching me every once and a while, he had been worried about taking me away from my life in Surrey but little did he know that I didn't have much of a life left there.

"I'm okay dad, you don't need to keep worrying about me".

"I know, it's just this is a big change for both of us and I'm just worrying about everything". No matter how much my dad wanted to move away, it wasn't only my family holding him back, he didn't like the idea of change. He pulled on his beard, picking at his hair, this was a bad habit of his.

"Stop doing that", I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his face, he flinched as I did so clearly he didn't realise he was doing it. He shook his head, put his hand on the steering wheel and continued focusing on driving.

After an hour we finally arrived in Beacon hills and at our new home. The house itself was fairly big considering the size of a house in Surrey for the same price would be much smaller. I couldn't wait to see my room. My dad parked the car in the driveway opposite our garage, something we've never had before. Well we've never had either, a driveway or a garage. Is it weird that something so little can spark such a big excitement inside me? Don't get me started on the little porch outside our house. I got out of the car and took a deep breathe in, fresh air filled my nostrils and I couldn't help but to close my eyes and enjoy every second of it. As I opened my eyes I took a look about of our street and the houses that filled it, I noticed that the house next to us had an old blue car... again I'm bad with my car brands however, you can't blame me this time as you don't see cars like these in the U.K. It was like a 4X4 and was covered in a lot of duct tape, I would be surprised if it even worked.

"Looks like a nice neighbourhood", my dad remarked as he opened the boot. I helped him get our cases out of the car, luckily the house already had furniture in it so we only needed to bring our clothes and personal items. As soon as my dad had opened the front door I ran upstairs to choose a bedroom all for myself, again something I wasn't used to as I used to share a bedroom with my sister and now we will be having a spare bedroom as there is three to choose from. I walked down the hallway and looked at the doors of the three rooms. I walked towards the one on the left and opened the door. The room was spacious to say the least, the walls were cream and there was a bed placed in the left hand corner. I noticed to the right of the room there was a large closet almost like a walk in one. I walked up to the window that was right in the middle letting the natural light shine through the room. The view outside the room was of house beside us, the one with the blue car in the driveway. It was actually more of a view into one of their bedrooms, the walls were covered in photos and what seems to be news articles and the room itself seemed messy like it hasn't been cleaned in months. Then the door to the room opened and a boy with a buzz cut walked in, the hairstyle wasn't my type of thing but surprisingly he pulled it off. I watched as he picked some tops of the floor and threw them into the corner of his room, he clearly didn't realise I was watching him which I realised was a bit creepy but before I could look away he lifted his head up and faced the window revealing his face which was not too bad... okay he was very good-looking even with the surprised look on his face. I wonder why he looked surprised... oh, yeah because there's a girl watching him. He slowly lifted his right hand up and did a little wave while smirking, something that made me blush. Feeling my cheeks getting warm I quickly panicked and turned on my heels and rushed out of the room. Embarrassed I leaned my head against the wall. Did I really just run away from a cute boy?

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