Chapter 6 - The Rave

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The rave was in two hours and I still had to get ready. I decided to stop thinking about Erica and Stiles as I'm sure it's a misunderstanding. I tend to over think and this is just once of those moments. I walked into my closet and scanned my clothes before picking out a pair of low rise blue shorts, a baby pink crop top and a pair white converse. I paired this with a baby pink headband and pink socks. I really did Lydia to help me style, my outfits always fall flat but it's the best I could come up with. I then did my makeup and added some glittery pink eyeshadow as I thought that would go with the rave vibe. Allison asked me to meet her outside when she arrived with Matt, so I got my dad to drop me down and wait in the car with me until I saw her arrive.

"Be careful tonight", my dad said in his usual caring tone.

"I will, I promise", I gave him a reassuring smile. My dad knows I'm sensible but he still always worries.

"Any issue you just call me".

Allison and Matt finally arrived, so I gave me dad a quick kiss in his cheek "of course, thank you".

"Have a good night", he shouted after me as I left the car.

"Hey guys", I said rushing over to them, Allison looked like a wave of relieve washed over her while Matt looked like he could punch me. Not the alone time he was hoping with Allison. We went inside and it was like nothing I have ever experienced before, sure we have raves in the U.K but this was so colourful, normally in the U.K, the walls would be covered in sweat here they're covered in coloured lights. It was more... let's say... toned down than my usual raves. We got in the middle of the dance floor, I noticed some people from school on my way through. I lead us to a suitable sized spot, it was still squished together and we was being pushed from all angles but it was the most breathable one. Allison and I began dancing, I gotta say I was enjoying myself I couldn't say the same for Matt. He spoke in Allison's ear and I could tell by her face that she was dreading whatever he just told her. She rolled her eyes and replied to him. A smile beamed on his little face and he grabbed her hand.

"We are going to get a drink", Matt said to me before he lead a reluctant Allison out of the crowd.

I was now alone, dancing by myself. I looked around to see if anyone I know was about, there wasn't. I felt suffocated being around sweaty strangers so I went to find an outside area to catch some fresh air. I walked out the way I came, I couldn't find any outside areas other than the front of the building where Allison parked. I pushed past some drunk people, a couple making out and someone being sick and made it outside. I went and sat on the stairs, I closed my eyes, let my head falls backwards and took a deep breath in savouring every bit of fresh air that filled my mouth. I then put my head upright again, breathed out and opened my eyes.
As my eyes opened that focused on a figure walking slowly and holding a black bin. I squinted my eyes trying to concentrate on the person, it seemed like something was coming out of the bag. "Hey, you okay?" I shouted over to the figure.

They head shot up and they stood there for a few minutes before shouting back. "Emily?" I know that voice.

"Stiles? What are you doing?", I lifted my head upwards to try and get a better look.

"Umm I'm putting down mountain ash", he said as he carried moving and emptying what was in the bag.

"Mountain what?"

"It protects against supernatural beings and they aren't able to come close to it", he explained as he finished emptying the mountain ash on the floor. Once he had finished I noticed that it connected to more mountain ash, like it was a big shield around the building.

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