Chapter 32 - Blackout Party

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So Kira kind of caused a blackout throughout Beacon Hills... how she did this? We don't know. I've dealt with a blackout before when I lived in Surrey but it didn't last longer than an hour. However, it was the day after Barrow tried to kill Kiera and the town was still out of power. I had yet to know what happened inside the substation and I don't think I'll be finding out anytime soon as it seemed like even the people who were there are unsure. I used the flash from my phone to navigate around my room, I slid a hoodie over my head, it brushed against my hair causing it to become frizzy. I sighed as I looked at my disheveled hair in the mirror, my brush laid on the desk so I grabbed it and brushed my hair.

A horn honked from outside, Stiles signal for me to hurry up. I shoved my brush, a compact mirror and my books into my bag and rushed downstairs. I kissed my dad goodbye before forcing my feet into my shoes, I didn't have time to untie then tie the laces again. Once my feet were uncomfortably in my shoes I opened the front door and jogged over to Stiles' jeep.

"Good morning, my dad was making bacon sandwiches so I grabbed you one", stiles said holding up a sandwich placed in a ziplock bag.

"Thanks". I lick my lips and go to take the bag from Stiles' hand.

"Excuse me". He pulls his hand back and moved his cheek close to my face.

I roll my hair and give him a gentle peck on his cheek. "Thank you".

"You are welcome", he smirks, handing me the bag.

I moan silently as the warm bacon reaches my taste buds, a satisfying feeling fills throughout my body. This is just what I needed.

Annoyed faces wandered into the school, with the blackout everyone assumed school would be cancelled but to their dissatisfaction it wasn't. With everything that had been going on recently I hadn't realised that today was Halloween. Lydia did mention that Danny was having his annual Halloween party, I hope he didn't expect us to dress up because I didn't have a costume. The school day went by pretty quickly, nothing exciting happened other than Coach shouting through a megaphone all day.

I sat on my bed, headphones on, listening to some music I had fortunately downloaded before the blackout. Cold air drifted through my window as I had it slightly opened, goosebumps formed on my arms but the cold was comforting. The vibration from the music pulsed loudly throughout my ears that I hadn't even heard the sound of someone crashing into my room. It wasn't until I noticed, from the corner of my eye, a plant pot fall from my windowsill that I realised Stiles was sprawled across my bedroom floor. I whipped my headphones off, the music still blaring through them.

"Stiles, what the hell?" In one swift motion, I swung my legs off my bed and knelt on the floor, next to him.

Stiles rolled onto his back, groaning and rubbing his head. "I've been shouting your name for ages, how loud if your music?"

"Sorry I hadn't realised how long it'd been. Has Danny's party started?"

"Uhh yeah I think so but I'm not here for that". He pushed himself up and leant his back against my bed. "Kira needs her phone and it's still at the station - it's being used for evidence. So, Scott and Kira want to break in and get it back".

"Why? Not like she can really use her phone anyway" I ask, sitting opposite him.

"I think there's something on her phone that she doesn't want them to find", he shrugs.

"Like naked photos?"

"Guess so". The topic of naked photos made Stiles lightly blush, sometimes he can be so shy and it is always adorable to watch. "We should get going".

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