Chapter 11 - To be Strong

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"We can just tell him that you hurt your leg, that you got a cramp?" We sat in Stiles' car as we tried to figure out how to explain my situation to my dad. I sat there limply, below my neck was numb but waves of tingles travel throughout my body.

"A cramp?" I sneered. "That didn't work on me and I highly doubt it would work on my dad".

"Wait... You didn't believe that Derek had a cramp", he was foolishly shocked. How could anyone believe that lie.

"Stiles the man couldn't move a single muscle, of course I didn't believe it was a cramp".

He bit his thumb for a few moments as he thought. "We could just wait out until he goes asleep and sneak you upstairs or until the toxin is out of your system",

"Yeah sure, what shall we do while we wait?" I tried to look over at stiles but with my limited amount of movement, I didn't have much success so I kept awkwardly staring out the windscreen.

Stiles unbuckled his seat belt and lent over me, I couldn't moved and not just because I was a paralysed but because I got nervous and froze. He placed his arm at the side of the seat and fiddled about a bit causing his body to knock mine. I wish I wasn't paralysed so that I could feel his body on mine. The chair swiftly fell back bringing me along with it and soon I was facing upwards towards the car roof. Air pushed out of my nose as I began chuckling softly. Stiles joined in, he was still leaning over me and once he realised, he stopped laughing and jumped up. However, His smile still beamed on his face. This wasn't the most flattering angle of me so I looked at the roof and lifted my chin upwards. "Um... this would be nice if I could see stars and not just a black roof"

"Use your imagination". Stiles leant his chair backwards and joined me.

"Fair point...", I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I got into the zone, then I reopened them. "Wow would u look at that, the night sky is full of stars. Oh and look at that over there is that?... oh yes it is it's Pluto. Who would've thought you'd see Pluto from here".

Stiles let out a laugh before carrying my joke on "yeah and look over there, its a shooting star. Make a wish". He closed his eyes, then opened his right eye and looked at me. "Come on, close your eyes".
I grinned stupidly before closing my eyes and wishing to myself. I wish to be happy and to succeed in life. I slowly lifted my eyelids up, the moonlight lighting my view of the roof. "What did you wish for?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true", I retorted. I wiggle my toes back and forth as I began to start feeling them. "How long after you felt your toes, did the paralysis wear off?"

"Probably like thirty to forty minutes, I mean it was hard to remember you know between all the commotion time kind of just flew by". Stiles answered I guess, well it confused me more.

"Right okay... helpful".

We sat there in silence for some moments, it was a comforting silence neither of us chose to speak because we didn't need to. We were enjoying the moment which wasn't ruin when stiles decided to speak. "You know when you're not paralysed we should do this outside where we don't have to use our imagination to see the stars".

"I would like that". The thought of spending more time alone with Stiles excited me.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Stiles asked gently turning his body to face me.

"Sure". Thought ran through my mind of what he was going to ask me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worrying.

"What did you see at Lydia's party?... you know when we were all having those hallucinations... what did you see?" He took his time to ask this as if he was trying to find of the right words to say in hopes not to offend me. The question didn't offend me but it definitely scared me. It took me a while to even process it. My old life in Surrey is more brutal than I like to remember, I try so hard to sugar coat it. I haven't told anyone about it, back home I had no one to tell and here... well I feel scared to admit how weak I actually am. I want to open up to Stiles but I think the right question would be if I'm ready to. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... you don't have to... I'm sorry".

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