Chapter 33 - Love and Betrayal

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"How's your head?" Stiles sat on the end of my bed. He came fo visit me after what happened yesterday. When I came back around I was in Stiles' jeep being taken home by Scott. He told me what happened and that Stiles is back to normal for now as Deaton had stabilised the nogitsune temporary. I didn't go to school today due to the pain from my head and me wanting to avoid Stiles. He had brought me some flowers and chocolates, wanting my forgiveness. I was mad at him still terrified by image of him being possessed by the nogitsune but it wasn't his fault.

"It's fine, there's just a lump there now". I fingered the lump on the side of my head, wincing as I applied too much pressure to it.

"Ems I'm really sorry".

"I know Stiles". I leant up and wriggled closer to stiles. Who dropped his head into my chest. My ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his temple.

"I don't know how to control it".

"We will find a way". I reassured him, whispering into his temple.

"I can't keep letting this happen. I've made a decision", he said vaguely.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to Eichenhouse".

Heat rose to the back of my neck. "That place? No Stiles you can't go there. You're going to be fine".

"I killed innocent people, I injured coach, I hurt Kira, I hurt you", his voice slightly cracked at the latter.

"The nogitsune did those things, he just used your body".

"I can't stop it", he sat up, pushing me off him.

"Please don't go Stiles", I pleaded.

"I've made my decision", he said sternly. His face emotionless.

"Stiles we can't help you if you're in there". I placed my hand on his cheek. The warmth from his cheek transferring to my hand.

"Ems I know but I have to". His face stayed emotionless but his eyes were twinkling as they swelled up with tears.

"Stiles... please", I pleaded, resting my forehead against his. His breath was shaky on my lips.

"You can't change my mind".

I didn't want to change his mind but I also didn't want him to go. I couldn't lose him again, I wanted him to be with me, I want to keep him safe. My heart aches for him, I just want to be around him and help him. I love him. I feel so overwhelmed right now that it just blurts out. "I love you".

"What?" He pulls his forehead away from me. His eye stared harshly into mine, he seemed annoyed.

"I love you Stiles. I love you so much, the thought of losing you, kills me. I want to be here for you and I can't if you're in there."

"You can't manipulate me into not going there", he spat.

I took a second to process what he has just said. "Are you serious ? Manipulate you. I'm professing my love for you".

"As soon as I tell you I'm going to Eichenhouse, how convenient", he sneered, moving away from me.

"Seeing you in that hospital bed made me realise how much I love you". Now it was my voice that was cracking, breaking under Stiles' cruel comments.

"Oh I'm sure it did". He rolled his eyes... he rolled his eyes!

Anger filled me. I had just been so vulnerable with him and he accuses me of lying. How can be not trust me. "Get out".

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