Chapter 30 - The Bear trap

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Everyone met on the outskirts of the woods; Scott, Allison, Isaac, Stiles and I. We left early this morning, hoping to be the first ones to be out looking for Malia. A light breeze swept across my face, pushing away stray pieces of hair. The woods were calm and tranquil nothing like the chaos we were about to experience.

"Did you bring it?" Scott said to Allison, who nodded and went into the boot of her car, getting out a tranquillising gun.

A gun shot echoed throughout the woods, the hair on the back of my head prickled at the sound. Scott sprung into action jumping onto his bike and riding into the woods.

Stiles tried to stop him by shouting "Wait!" But it was too late, his motorbike disappeared into the trees. Isaac ran after him with Allison trailing behind. "Shit, I need to call my dad". Stiles whips out his phone from his back pocket and starts dialling his dads number.

I looked into the woods catching an unexpected glimpse of something reflective hidden beneath the leaves on the ground.

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?" I couldn't hear what his dad was telling him it didn't seem like Stiles was listening either. He knitted his brows for a few seconds then his face dropped. "It's the doll".

He hung the phone up on his dad. "What did he say?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't know.

"That's not important right now, we need to figure out what it is with this doll". He crouched down, picking at a few leaves as he racked his brain. "All right, but why would it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house just for a doll? One that was in the car wreck in the first place. We didn't find it in the coyote den".

"Did you take a picture of the doll?"

"Umm, well yeah, I have a picture of it". He got up and pulled his phone out of his back pocket and got up the picture of a young Malia and her sister.

I squinted my eyes, studying the picture of the two girls and I realised something we hadn't noticed before. "Stiles, Malia isn't the one holding the doll. Her sister is".

"It's her sister's doll". He looked at me. "I know what she's doing. I know where she's going". Without explaining what was going through his head to me, he looked back at his phone searching through his recent phone calls, he stopped scrolling when his thumb landed on Scott's name. He puts the phone to his ear and starts walking into the woods. "Scott, it's me, you got to call me back as soon as you can. It wasn't Malia's doll it was her sister's. Malia left it at her car for her sister. It's like bringing flowers to the to a grave..."

I trailed behind him listening to his theory. I was too focused of Stiles that it came as a surprise when I heard a clanking sound from beneath my foot, my instinct was to keep my foot still and thank god it was because when I looked down I finally understood what the reflective thing I saw earlier was. A bear trap... I was standing on a bear trap. A wave of nausea fell upon me and I looked up at the trees to keep myself from fainting. Stiles was still on the phone unaware of the situation I have found myself in. "Stiles". I call out to him, my voice quiet and weak. The bear trapped creaked and I shouted "Stiles" as panic set in.

He ended his phone call and turned around to face me. His eyes drift down to my left foot, his eyes widening when he realises when I was standing on. "Emily don't move".

"I wasn't going to". I snap, clearly the stress was getting to me. "Sorry I'm just really scared right now".

"It's okay, you're okay", his calm voice didn't make me feel any better as his ran his finger through his hair, his nervous tell.

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