Chapter 35 - Oak Creek

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Lydia held my arms, pulling me away from the sofa. "Are you okay?"

"I think so", I replied, glancing over at Stiles. He wasn't moving.

"Did it work?" Lydia asked Peter, he pulled her away to the side. They were whispering about something but I couldn't hear what was being said.

Mellisa gave me a gentle squeeze on my arm, I smiled appreciatively at her. I missed having my mum around, having a nurturing figure in my life would really benefit me right now. Sure men can be nurturing but my dad isn't but I know he cares so much.

Stiles began gasping for air. All our attentions were back on him as he starts to pull something out of his month. His gasps for air turned to gagging, he was pulling a bandage out of his mouth. He pulled so hard he lifted up off the sofa and fell to the ground. I struggled to carry on watching him, he retched and the bandage came out like projectile vomit. He tugged on the remaining bandage, pulling it fully out of his mouth. He threw himself backward against the sofa and away from the pile of bandage. A bandage hand came from the pile, the nogitsune. It pushed himself out and stumbled towards us. Scott put his arm across me, pushing me back away from the nogitsune. It swung for me and Scott tackled him onto the sofa, Stiles slid out of the way. I moved around to get a better view of what was going on, the bandages on the nogitsune's face were falling down.

"Wait, wait, wait". Scott said to Petter as he tried to attack the nogitsune. Scott held onto a piece of bandage and began to pull it off its face. Those lips, that nose... I know them. It's Stiles but which one.

The only one. "Guys". I called out trying to get everyone's attention, no one listened. I looked to find Lydia knowing she'd listen but she was also gone. "Guys", I yelled demanding their attention. With everyone eyes on me I can tell them the bad news. "He's gone and so is Lydia".

Scott's eyes darted to the floor where the evil Stiles sat moments ago then to the open front door. "Lydia! LYDIA!"

Mellisa took Stiles upstairs. I sat on the sofa, holding my knees to my chest tightly. I didn't want to move, I didn't have the energy. Scott was out I think he was going to get Kira's mum. Stiles had asked to see me, talk to me but I refused. I know that if I confronted him and got him to explain his side I would just get angry and emotional and that's not fair to either of us. We also didn't fully know if the Stiles upstairs was the real Stiles, that's why we need Kira's mum, she has control over the Oni, they'll be able to find out.

There was an awkward moment of silence between Kira's mum and I while Scott and Mellisa brought Stiles downstairs. I shifted my weight on my legs, avoiding Stiles' eyes as he stood next to me. A second later the Oni appeared, I felt Stiles tense. I took a step back allowing them to circle Stiles, the amber glow from their eyes reflecting off his face. One of them placed their hand on the back of his head, a few moments later they swiped behind his ear and he fell to the ground.

"Look behind his ear", Kira's mum ordered. I dropped to the ground and turned his head so I can see the skin behind his ear, he had the symbol.

I exhaled, "it's him".

"Am I actually me?" Stiles voice shaking.

"More you than the nogitsune", Kira's mum stood over us.

"Can the Oni find him?"

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now."

Stiles scrunched up his face. "Can they kill him?"

"It depends on how strong he is".

"What abut Lydia? Why would he take her", Scott asked.

I held onto Stiles' arm helping him up off the ground but once he stood straight, I let go.

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