Chapter 12 - Summer

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I was back in Surrey for the summer holidays, America's summer holidays were before England so I didn't see much of my old classmates, which I was thankful for. I was nervous to come back to the life I wanted to forget but my family are here and I wanted to see them plus my dad wasn't going to leave me in America alone for a few weeks while he went back to England. I would be lying if I say I hadn't missed my family but I tried not to think about it so much. I did email my friends in Beacon Hills but with the time difference it was hard to hold a conversation. I've loved seeing my siblings and my Mum, I really needed this but I couldn't wait to go back home. I sat outside my back garden, the fresh air filled my nose as I picked at the grass I sat on. The birds chirped to signify it was morning, I always like getting up early and enjoying nature.  Today my dad and I were leaving to go back to Beacon Hills, some part of me couldn't wait to go back and the other was anxious. Anxious that the friends I had made had moved on. "Emily! Are you ready?" I heard my dad shout from inside the house. He had been staying at my mums house with my siblings and I, I didn't partially like the idea as they have a tendency to argue a lot but I think spending time away made them appreciate the time they had together more. They were still broken up and I think my mum was seeing someone else, even so they were both happy. I got up from the grass, dusting the dead grass off my jeans and strolled over to my house. My case was packed and was waiting by the bottom of the stairs along with my dad and his stuff.

"Yeah I'm all packed", I said while placing my hand on my pink case. He nodded, took the case from my hand and went to put it in the car.

After we said our goodbyes, we were in our way back to Beacon Hills. Anticipation filled me as the plane landed on the tarmac. I remember the first time I arrived I was so anxious but excited for my new life. Those feelings still consumed me the second time around but I felt more ready this time. Being back home, living my old life for a while made me realise that I need to open up to people and be brave in doing so. The warm California air brushed my face as I walked out of the airport, it wouldn't be long till I was back in Beacon Hills.

My dad drove us home and slept most of the journey until we got to our street. My eyes widened as I watched the houses we passed by, home sweet home. We pulled up onto our drive, and he parked the car next to mine. Oh yeah did I mention that before going to Surrey I passed my driving test and I can now drive , first thing I did after I passed was buy a car. Well my dad bought me a car, it was a silver 2008 Mazda. I've driven it around the block a few times but not much further as even though I passed I'm still very inexperienced on American roads. However, even though the Mazda is my car it's not my favourite car, my favourite is an old blue jeep that looks like it's falling apart but drives like it's brand new. Stiles must be out as it wasn't parked on their driveway but I didn't mind as I needed to rest anyway. I had a full day before I had to be back in high school and I planned to spend that day sleeping and being lazy.

I did just that, I spent some part of the day unpacking and getting my things ready for school tomorrow but most of it was spent sleeping. I don't think I'll ever be used to this jet lag. "Emily, get ready we are going for food at the Stilinski's".

"What?!" I sat up in my bed. Food over the stilinski's? I don't think I'm mentally prepared for that. God Emily you're going to have to be. Okay, okay I mean you haven't seen Stiles in like what a few weeks that's not a lot it's not like he's forgotten about you, has he? I got up and ran over to my closet, pulling clothes of their hangers and throwing stuff about trying to find the best thing to wear. I want to look cute and casual. Hmm I could wear joggers and a nice oversized hoodie, yeah that will do. I mean I was already wearing joggers and a hoodie but the ones I changed into weren't covered in stains. I threw my hair up into a pony and washed my face. "Ready".

We walked over to the Stilinski's household and were greeted by Sheriff Stilinski. "Hey guys, come in". He held the door open and we walked into the hallway. I fiddled with the bottom of my hoodie as my dad and Sheriff Stilinski talked about our time away. The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs filled the hallway and I watched as Stiles came down the stairs. My heart stopped as I noticed how good he looked, he had grew his hair out so it spiked upwards, he grew some muscle since I last saw him as his arms looks bigger and his veins were more prominent.

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