Chapter 3 - Chemistry

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That dreadful sound, my alarm clock, rung throughout my room as it was time to wake up for school. I was still tired from the night before, so I didn't plan much my outfit for today. I just threw on a knitted jumper over my jeans and put my hair up in a ponytail. I grabbed my school bag and left for school. The atmosphere was ecstatic from the win last night, the lacrosse players strutted down the corridors as if they were royalty. Some giving winks to the girls as they walked by and high fiving people, it was like a scene from a movie. 

"Hey Emily, I heard about last night", Allison rushed after me down the corridor.

"Hey, yeah it was so weird", I stopped letting her catch up to me. She had a few books in her arm which she held tightly to her chest and her bag was over her left shoulder, it seemed to be heavy. "I thought I lost Lydia, so I followed someone who I thought was her and somehow I end up at the pool helping Stiles and some guy named Derek out".

"Luckily you were there, Stiles isn't the strongest of people and neither is Derek's the lightest". We made our way to her locker where she stuffed the books inside.

"Speaking of Lydia, have you seen her?" I leaned against the lockers next to Allison. "I want to know where she disappeared off to".

"She has a tendency of doing that often, I wouldn't think too much off it", Allison brushed off.

The bell rang meaning it was time for economics with coach, Allison had a different class so we said goodbye and went our separate ways. Once I got to the classroom I noticed Lydia sitting in the backrow, so I sat in the empty seat next to her.

"Morning Lydia, where did you go to last night?" I asked as I sat down.

"Oh I just saw someone I knew and went with them", she said vaguely but before I could pry further Coach started the lesson.

He slammed a book down on the table and said to the class "Listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you m like McCall, Might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult. I'm not even too sure I could pass it". It is my first week here already and we have a difficult midterm tomorrow, just my luck. "Okay, I need a volunteer at the beard to answer a question". Lydia along with many other raised their hands, I would not be joining in as I would only embarrass myself with how far behind I am. "Come on, let's go buddy". Coach gestured over to Lydia to come to the front of the classroom. Lydia seems smart maybe I can get her to tutor me.

I tried my best to pay attention to the board but something was distracting me. Jackson, Stiles and Scott seemed to be having a private discussion a little too loud, I was a few rows away from them and I could still here bits and pieces. I hear them mention Derek's name and I couldn't help but wonder if they are talking about what happened last night. From the corner of my eye I noticed coach slowly walking over to the boys like a predator stalking their prey. Once he is close enough he pounces and calls out "Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" The rest of the conversation was drowned out as I was more concerned about something else.

Lydia had written some gibberish all over the board and I'm not extremely knowledgeable when it comes to this class but I'm pretty sure that's not the answer to the equation. The more I looked the more I noticed that Lydia was shaking, she hadn't turned around yet but I could tell she was traumatized by something.

Some boy starts calling her name to get her attention and she slowly turns around to face the class, she is whimpering and her eyes are full of tears. Now I was worried about Lydia and her mental health this is not typical behaviour, how is no one else shocked or noticing this? Are people just ignoring this, are they too concerned with themselves to see that this girl needs help. Lydia moves back to her seat like she was in a trance, once she sat down I reached over and placed my hand on hers.

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