Chapter 31 - The Electrician

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I tried my best to enjoy mischief day but my attention kept wandering over to Lydia. In Economics she swatted her hair around her head claiming that there was a fly - there wasn't. If this was anyone else I wouldn't be concerned but Lydia has a tendency to hear and see things no one else can, like a sixth sense.

She stood at her locker, resting her books on her arm as she swapped them with ones in her locker. I walked towards her, planning on casually interrogating her about this imaginary fly but someone beat me to it. Aiden leant on the locker next to hers, a cocky grin on his face. I watched them rush towards Coach's office, after the prank this morning I didn't think that'd be such a good idea. Stiles and Scott somehow caused everything in his office to collapse all at once, it's was a very impressive prank - coach didn't agree.

I shook my head, stopping myself from walking in on them and finding out the answers I wanted. I'm still on edge with everything that is going on with Scott, Stiles and Alison and I have a bad feeling about this. I slung my bag over my shoulder, resting the fallen strap onto my shoulder, I will have to be patient and ask her after our next lesson. The doors at the end of the hallway abruptly open and a swarm of officers flooded into the hallway - something that had recently become a common occurrence. My jaw tightened, a sickening feeling coming over me. Every time the police were at school something bad would follow and unlike my friends, I still wasn't used to it. Stiles was beside his dad as he stalked the halls, peering into every classroom. From behind them Scott's dad comes charging through with one of the teachers, now I know something bad is about to happen but I have no clue as to what. I glanced over to Stiles, he eyes met mine and he smiled back at me, his smile instantly calmed my nerves. He must've seen how anxious I felt, I'm sure the colour was drained from my face... it felt like that. However, when his face dropped I felt a wave of nausea surge throughout my body. With widened eyes, he rubbed the back of his neck before sprinting over to me.

"We need to find everyone. Now." He said, his voice laced with panic. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hallway.

"Stiles what's going on?" I asked, stumbling behind him. "You're worrying me".

"I'll explain when we find the others".

"Lydia is in Coach's office... with Aiden".

Stiles suddenly stopped and I didn't realise until I bumped into him. His head fell as he shook it, muttering to himself. "This girl". He took an exasperated sigh, then carried on towards Coach's office. The door was opened and the office was empty, she must've went to the guidance counsellor office. Stiles had the same thought and he continued to drag me to the guidance counsellors office. He swung the door open and without a word he grabs Lydia's and pulls her out of the office.

"Stiles, what the hell?!" She pulled her arm away from his grip. She opened her mouth to shout at him some more but her eyes drifted behind him and at the officers. "What's happening?"

"Where's Allison, Isaac and Scott ?" He ignored her question.

"Allison and Isaac are probably in the library".

Stiles lessened his grip on my wrist and moved his downwards. His fingers brushed the palm of my hand, spreading tingles throughout my body. His fingers entwined with my mine as he lead me towards the library, Lydia walked alongside us. I can tell this wasn't the right moment to start thinking about my relationship with stiles but I couldn't help thinking about how he makes me feel. How his touch can send a spark of warmth zipping through my veins. How gentle his touch is even when he's dragging me down a hallway, he didn't even leave a red mark on my pale wrist which usually tends to mark up easily.

Allison and Isaac were walking towards us, Isaac must've heard the commotion with his supersonic hearing. "What's going on?"

"I'll tell you when we find Scott", stiles said.

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