Chapter 28 - The werecoyte

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I had set my alarm for early in the morning, I had started running in the mornings since I began training with Allison and her dad. Most people assume that people who run in the mornings have their lives together but that was the only time that I wouldn't be seen by anyone. Most people in this town stay up late but never wake up early, I try to become more confident and less insecure but my past still comes to haunt me every once in a while. However, it was my alarm that woke me up.

There was a tapping noise on my window, only time I hear that noise is when Stiles wants my attention. I moved my hand around my bedside table, trying to find my phone to see what time it was. The knocking got louder as Stiles became more impatient. I gave up on finding my phone and turning my bedside lamp on, the bright light stinging my tired eyes. I finally opened my curtain to stop Stiles from his annoying technique of getting my attention, which I have to admit does work. Scott stood behind him, he was holding a flashlight. I opened my window, "What is going on?" I asked yawning throughout the sentence.

"We are going to try and find Malia's body". Stiles said putting his bat away which he had been using to tap on my window.

This woke me up. "Her dead body?!" Stiles nodded his head. "Are you insane?!"

"Clearly, so get dressed we are leaving in five".

He shuts his window and closes his blind leaving me dumbfounded. Questions raced through my mind.

How are we going to find her body?

Why do we need to do it this early in the morning?

What should I wear?

The last questions I answered in a matter of seconds as I changed into some joggers and a hoodie, not the most flattering outfit but it was comfy as hell. I pushed my feet into my trainers, grabbed my house keys and quietly snuck out of the house. Thank god for us not having a dog or cameras because I'm sure I would've been caught by now.

I ran across my driveway over to Stiles' jeep, Scott had clearly already called shotgun, he smirked as he was sat in the passenger seat. I gave him one of my infamous fake smiles and jumped into the back. "So where are we going then?"

Stiles reversed out of his driveway and sped down our street. "The woods".

I wish I had worn an extra layer, the icy air seeped through my hoodie and rest on my skin. I placed my hands on the back of my neck as that's one of the warmest parts of my body.

"You want a jacket?" Stiles noticed my attempt at keeping warm.

"I would love one". I said but when he started to take his off, I put my hand up at him. "Not your one".

"It's okay I'm not even that cold plus I have like five layers on". I observed how his body lightly shivered as it disagreed with the words he was saying.

I shook my head, this doesn't stop him from taking his jacket off and wrapping it around me. He's as stubborn as I am, I wouldn't take his jacket and he wouldn't take no for an answer so I reluctantly pushed my hands through the sleeves. Stiles adjusted the jacket on me and smiled as it sat nicely on my shoulders.

"Perfect fit".

I tucked my hands into his jacket pocket, not surprised when I felt a half eaten chocolate bar in there. We tread across the woods, stiles and I following Scott who was looking intensely at his phone. I think he was tracking something but I couldn't tell what and I didn't want to ask and distract him.

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