Chapter 4 - Werewolves

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After Chemistry I took Lydia to the Guidance Counsellor apparently she had been here before and wasn't surprised that I was taking her as she said everyone is telling her to go. I waited outside for her, I felt bad as she seemed frustrated about going in. I tried to reassure her but she wasn't bothered to listen which I understand so now I'm waiting out here for her to finish which I'm hoping is any minute now. After a few moments the door opened and Lydia walked off mumbling about how stupid the counsellor is. She took a second to compose herself, she breathed deeply then said "Come on let's go to the library the study".

We got to the library and we were about to sit down until Stiles came stumbling over rambling on about some study group.

"I can't hear what you're telling me Stiles when you're talking too quickly", Lydia said sternly.

"Um we are having a study group at Scott's house so come with us". He grabbed Lydia's bag.

"I'm not going anywhere with you especially not with Emily", she said standing her ground.

Stiles huffed out of frustration "There's not enough room in the car". Did Stiles not want me there? I felt a pain in my chest as I felt unwanted. A feeling I know all too well, a feeling I hoped not to relive.

"Well make room". I have never seen Lydia act like this, I wouldn't want to be the person that tell her no.

"Fine, now come on both of you".

"No it's okay, I can study on my own", I went to sit back down but Lydia place her hand on mine just like I had done with her in economics.

"Nonsense, you're coming with me", Lydia gave me a reassuring smile, she must've noticed how unwanted I felt and maybe Stiles felt it too as he kept avoiding eye contact with me. Does he feel bad?

Lydia and I got up while giving each other a very confused look, I was happy to go but it seemed like Lydia might protest. "Why should we go, I'm perfectly fine studying here".

"Just come on, the whole gang will be there". Stiles put his hands on her shoulders and guided her out of the library with me following behind the pair.

As we walked down the hallway Allison and Jackson fell into line with us and soon we were all walking out of the soon. I felt a bit out of place being with all of them but I didn't want to leave Lydia alone and she isn't resisting that much knowing that I'm coming along. Somehow we all squeezed into Stiles jeep but Lydia pushed against the back window and mw riding up front. I did want to join Lydia in the back but Allison and Jackson were being very territorial over her and wouldn't leave her side... literally. The car journey wasn't long but I'm guessing that due to Stiles speeding.

"So we are going to Scott's house with no Scott?" I asked as the car stopped.

Allison, Jackson and Stiles to all look at each other before Stiles decided the answer. "Yeah, he is meant to be meeting us here, I think, I hope".

I got out the car and waiting for everyone else to get out before following them to the house, Stiles again grabbed Lydia by the shoulders and brought her to the house. They were treating her like the crown Jewels and protecting her more than usual. Things got even weirder when we entered the house and Stiles started locking the door. There was an exchange of looks between us all before he explained "Uh... There's been a few break-ins around the neighbourhood".

Which I guess made sense until he placed a chair underneath the door handle. More looks were exchanged and the only explanation Stiles could give for this was "And a murder... it was pretty bad".

I looked at Lydia hoping this was just normal behaviour but she just shook her head in disappointment. I think I've just become friends with lunatics. Lydia was seeming like the sanest one luckily I had her with me.

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