Chapter 23 - The Aftermath

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Stiles was quiet on the way home, he turned the radio up filling the silence but it was still quiet. I didn't try to make conversation, there wasn't much I could say. Tonight couldn't have gone worse, we don't have Miss Blake, Sheriff Stilinski is still missing, Scott's mum has been taken and Scott went with Deucalion. I hadn't this feeling, feeling so helpless, like an failure. This took a toll on Stiles, he anxiously chewed on his bottom lip the whole way home.

With Sheriff Stilinski missing, Stiles was going to be alone tonight and with everything that has gone on, I didn't want that. I won't allow that.

"I'm staying over Stiles, I don't care what you say", I said sternly, when he pulled up onto his driveway. I'm not going to leave him by himself with his anxiety. His thoughts will consume him and he will spiral. I'm going to be there for him, whether he likes it or not. "I'll sleep on the floor if I have to".

"Emily, I'll be fine", he lied.

"Stiles I'm not taking no for an answer".

"Okay, fine", he gave in. "You can stay over but I'm staying on the floor, you can stay in my bed".

We went into his house, he went into the kitchen got me a glass of water while I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I didn't have any clothes to change into but Stiles said I can go through his drawers and pick anything out so I did. I found a plan grey top and a pair of gym shorts, I wasn't surprised that the clothes fit me perfectly. Stiles respectfully knocked on the door before coming into the room. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah it's okay", I sat awkwardly on the corner of his bed.

"Here you go", he handed me the glass of water. I put the glass to my mouth and gulped down the refreshing water. The aroma of his room filled my nostril, it smelt like mint. How can a room smell so fresh, my rooms lucky if it smells like my air freshener I bought. Stiles paced around his room, at first I thought he was cleaning up. However, he's picked the same t-shirt up three times now and placed it in different place each time. He also keeps frantically running his hand through his hair.

"Stiles, are you okay?" I placed my drink down on the floor. His breathing became heavier and more rapid, my eyes darted to his shaking hands, I think he's having a panic attack. "Hey, come and sit down". I got up, lightly touching his shoulders and sitting him down on his bed. He placed his hands on the back of his head as he brought his head to his chest. I crouched on the floor and placed my hands on his knees, which where shaking.

"I'm okay, I just need to breath", his voice was shaky and breathy.

"What happened? Did you think about your dad?" I asked softly. He nodded his head up and down. "Stiles breath with me, okay". He lifted his head up to face me, we stared at each other as I began breathing deeply and slowly, in and out, Stiles reciprocated this. My heart ached as I knew how horrible, panic attacks are, his eyes were filled with pain. "You're doing amazing Stiles, keep your focus on me". I gently held onto his hands as they shook, I rubbed my thumb back and forth. "Focus on the feeling of my thumb on your hand". His breathing slowed down, his closed his eyes as he focused on the calmness he felt. His body relaxed more, with each breath he took. I handed my drink to Stiles, his hand still lightly shaking as he lifted the glass to his mouth and slurped the water down. He breathed heavily through his nostrils as he finished the rest of the water.

"Thank you", he squeezed my hand, thanking me. I sat next to him, giving him a few moments to himself. He fell backwards, laying on his bed. "I don't know what to do".

"Let's think about what we are going to do tomorrow, we've had a rough night". I lifted the duvet up and tucked my legs underneath it. Besides Stiles bedside table was a picture of him and his mum. He was young, around 8 years old, his mum looked beautiful, her face was glowing. She looked happy and healthy, Stiles never really mentioned his mum.

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