Chapter 17 - The Cross Country Meet

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A few days had passed since the disappearance of Mr Harris his body wasn't found, teachers acted like he was off sick but we knew what really happened, he was taken. With there being nothing that we can do we went on with our lives, school carried on. Coach had arranged for our P.E class to have a field trip to a cross country meet, this unfortunately was the day after Scott, Isaac, Boyd and Derek had a fight with the so called after pack. Scott became more knowledgable on this alpha pack and filled us all in, the twins were in it, a guy called Deucalion ran the pack, there was a big bodybuilder kind of guy and a women who doesn't wear shoes - well that's what I took away front the conversation. Our field trip was an overnight stay so I packed a few clothes and essentials. The bus was leaving at 9 in the morning so I made sure to get there early with Stiles and Scott so that we could get a good seat. Scott wasn't acting like his usual self, seemed sad and lost in thought. Stiles did mention that Scott thinks Derek is dead but he didn't seem too sure himself.

We were the first to make it to the bus and got the back seat to ourselves. A silent victory between stiles and I, everyone soon filtered into the seats in the bus. The coach shouted a few times about behaving on the bus and not talking loudly as he has a headache, he blew his whistle and the bus began driving away. The journey would be a long one so stiles decided to do some work, that included definition of words. "Okay Emily, your turn first", he lifted his iPad closer to his face as he read out the word. "Anachronism".

I bit my lip for a few seconds as I thought of the definition, my eyes brightened as I knew the answer. "Something that exists out of its normal time".

Stiles winked at me to let me know I'd got the answer right. "Scott your turn... incongruous", he turned his head to face Scott, who was staring out of the window. "Scott, hey Scott". He clicked his fingers grabbing the attention of a sorrowful Scott.

"Oh sorry um what was the word again?" Scott asked his attention still not fully on stiles.


"Um can you use it in a sentence?" He asked, his face twisted in confusion.

"Yes, yes I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to a stupid cross-country meet after what just happened, incongruous". He said, his tone sounded annoyed.

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd".

"Perfect", he was now cheerful. "Okay guys next word, Darach. Darach, it's a noun". I felt my eyes automatically roll, I know Stiles wants to talk about this especially with Scott but when he's in this state I don't think it's the best idea. "Come on guys, we have to talk about this sometime, okay? And we are going to be stuck in this thing for like, five hours, so why not?" Scott rested his head against the window and shut his eyes, ignoring Stiles. I placed my hand on Stiles shoulder and nodded towards the tablet, gesturing that he carried on to the next word, which he did. "Intransigent..."

Before Scott could answer the bus went over a bump causing us to be lightly jolted into the air, Scott winced as he hit the side of the bus. He clenched onto his side in pain. "Scott are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine", he replied quickly, brushing off the pain.

"Scott what's wrong? You're clearly hurt". I pestered him. "Show us".

He sighed before slowly lifting his top, revealing a slash across his body which was still bloody. I gasped quietly, even stiles was taken aback as I noticed his eye widened at the sight but Scott tried to reassure us as he said "Come on guys, don't be like that. I'll be fine". I didn't feel reassured by that, however, I trust Scott and I know he will find a way to heal it.

The longer we were on the bus, the more Scott's condition deteriorated. He was pale, sweating profusely and the blood had turned a black colour, the more he said he was fine the more I didn't believe him. Stiles and I kept giving each other worrying glances every time he winced. "Have you called Deaton?" Stiles asked Scott.

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