Chapter 22 - Parent or Guardian

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"Emily, wake up". I felt a tapping sensation on my left cheek. "Come on, Emily". My mind was awake, so many thoughts raced through my mind. What happened? Is someone tapping my face? Who is calling me name? Why can't I wake up? My body betraying me and refusing to wake up. I could hear voices, particularly a boy saying my name, begging me to wake up. I tried to open my eyes, move my fingers; anything. Have you ever been in a dream where you've screamed but no sound came out? That is what this felt like. I wanted to wake up, tell my friends I was okay but I could muster the strength. "Please Emily", the boy cried. I focused on moving my fingers, I couldn't feel anything, was it even working? My neck began to feel sore, I was strangled, I fainted. Lydia! Miss Blake was going to kill Lydia. I need to wake up, I need to know if Lydia is okay. My worry for Lydia, gained some strength within me and I felt my eyes twitch as they slowly began to open. "EMILY". My eyes opened and focused on Stiles, who was hovering over me, dried tears stained his cheeks.

"Lydia", I muttered.

"She's okay", Stiles said, reassuringly holding my hand.

"What happened?"

"Miss Blake, she's the dark Druid. She tried to kill you and Lydia, you fainted while she was strangling you. Then, my dad, he showed up, he tried to stop her. She threw her knife at him just before we arrived. Scott was able to get into the room but she locked me out. I tried to get in, she overpowered Scott and she.. she took my dad".

"She's going to sacrifice him", I said, pushing myself up off the floor.

"Emily you need to lie down", Scott ordered from behind Stiles. My eyes moved around the room, the chair where Lydia sat was now empty, the duct tape that were wrapped around her wrist were now broken. I felt a breeze caress the back of my neck, I looked over my shoulder to see that the window was shattered.

"We have to stop her, Scott".

"I know and we will", he said confidentially but his eyes were unsure.

"Yeah but what's the plan Scott?" Stiles sniffled, I could tell he was trying not to cry anymore than he already has but this was effecting him more than he was letting on.

"She'll try and manipulate Derek, turn him against us so we need to get to him first". 

"I'm coming with you". I got to my feet, stumbling a bit as my head felt dizzy.

"No Emily. You're hurt". Scott said as he held my arm, stopping me from falling over.

"I'm fine".

"You can't come".

"Scott", I pleaded, jerking my head subtly over to stiles, gesturing that I want to be there for him.

Scott pursed his lips before reluctantly nodding his head. "Fine but if you feel dizzy you're going home".

"You got it boss", I replied, playfully winking at him.

"Let's go to Derek's".

Scott drove Stiles' jeep as stiles wasn't in the right frame of mind to drive and well I had just fainted. Scott made a detour to the animal clinic, he ran inside and came out with a jar full of powder.

"What's that?" I asked as he placed the jar in the cup holder.

"Mistletoe", Scott replied. Reversing out of the animal clinic car park.

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