Chapter 10 - Matt's vengance

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"Matt, don't do this", Scott pleaded as Matt twirled the gun in his hand, It's funny, the way he was playing with it, he looked like a kid with a toy gun. "I'll tell her we didn't find anything, please".

The door to the police station creaked open, Scott's eyes shot to the door to the office. His ears also pricked up as he listened to his mum come into the station.

"If you don't move...", Matt chuckled callously "Now, I'm going to kill Emily first, then Stiles and then your mom". Stiles moved over to me and held my hand, he squeezed it tightly trying to reassure me but it wasn't working. Matt's threats terrified me, my joints started to freeze up. Matt jumped out of his seat, he seemed to be enjoying the fear he is setting upon us. "Go and open the door, Scott". Again he put his gun up at us, he aimlessly pointed it around between the three of us.

"Matt, please don't do this", Scott said begging the boy who pushed him towards the doors of the office.

"Stop whining McCall and just open the door", he ordered. Scott clenched his hand into fist before releasing it and moving his hand to the door handle. The door knob was shaking as Scott slowly turned it. The door slowly opened, someone was standing on the other side but as the door opened more it didn't look like a lady, it was a man. Derek. Derek was standing on the other side of the doorway.

"Thank god", Scott said under his breath. I sighed with relief, which was a second too soon as Derek fell to the floor, revealing Jackson behind him. Jackson had paralysed him. His body was mostly covered in scales with parts of his human form showing through, not truly hiding his identity. It made it harder to distinguish between the monster and the human. Even though I guess you could say Jackson is both. He menacing walked towards us, standing over Derek's body. He grabbed Derek and turned him around so he was laying on his back, it was a pretty pathetic sight.

"See I've learned a few things, you know about werewolves, kanimas, hunters. It's like a Halloween party every full moon", Matt scoffed, finally putting his gun back down to his side. "Except for you two", he pointed to Stiles and I. "What do you two turn into?"

Normally I'm witty at comebacks but I couldn't think of anything to say, luckily I was in the presence of Stiles who was quick with these kind of things. "Abdominal snowman, it's more of a seasonal, thing you know", Stiles said, this made Matt annoyed and he nodded to Jackson. Jackson scratch the back of Stiles neck, paralysing him. He fell to the ground on top of Derek. Instead of being fearful this angered me, such a smirky little twerp. Someone needs to teach this kid a lesson.

"Anything to say Emily?" Matt sneered. Yeah a lot.

"Well I was going to say the Easter Bunny but clearly you have something against seasonal creatures", I gave him the same cocky attitude back that he was giving me. He nodded at Jackson but Scott grabbed Jackson's arm and held it away from me. The tensions between Jackson and Scott was ripped from the room as more lights shone through the office.

"Is that finally her?" Matt said, the corners of his mouth curled. "If you two do what I tell you to, then I won't hurt her".

I looked over at Scott and nodded. "it'll be okay", I whispered. He nodded back but I could tell he was nervous.

"Scott don't trust him", Stiles said as he laid helplessly on the floor. Matt was clearly pissed at this as he grabbed stiles top, pulled him off and turned him around so his back was on the floor, he then placed his foot over his throat. My fight instinct kicked in and I rushed over to Matt and punched him off Stiles. I must've got his nose as pain surged through my hand from hitting something hard. I shook my hand vigorously, watching as the pain went away. I hadn't even realised that Matt was placing his gun at me.

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