Chapter 21 - The Dark Druid

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My eyes twitched as I heard something hitting my window, I grabbed my phone from my side table to check the time. The light from my phone burned my eyes, I rubbed them to ease the pain, my eyes adjusted to the light when I reopened them. It was 2:00am in the morning, and there was still the tapping sound on my window. I pulled my duvet cover off me, swung my legs off my bed and walked over to the window. I pulled back my curtains to see Stiles leaning out of his window, holding a baseball bat and using it to knock my window. A smile filled his face when he noticed me, he tried to lift his body back into his room but he must've leant out too far as he nearly fell. I unlocked my window and pushed it upwards and leant out grabbing onto his shoulders. "Stiles what the hell are you doing?"

"We need to get to the school, I think Lydia's found another body". Stiles said, placing his hands on his windowsill, trying to push himself up.

"Let me just get changed", I pushed him backwards and he stumbled into his room. We both laughed as we closed our blinds and got ready to leave. I put on some joggers, a hoodie and snuck out of the house. Stiles leant on his jeep as he waited for me.

"Let's go", he threw his keys up in the air and caught them in his left hand.

My brow furrowed in confusion but a smile involuntary formed on my face. "You seem oddly excited to find a dead body".

"And you don't seem creeped out by that", be nudged me with his shoulder.

"I funnily find it intriguing".

Stiles turned the radio on and we sang along to the newest Taylor Swift song, yes it would appear that Stiles Stilinski is a Swiftie. We were acting too normal for people who were on their way to go and see a dead body. Normally I probably would be nervous but being around Stiles makes me feel comforted.

Allison, Lydia and Scott were waiting for us, outside the school when we arrived.

Stiles rushed over to her. "Lydia?"

She looked flustered, she stumbled on her words. "I-it's the same t-thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. You told me to call you if there's a dead body".

"Have you found the dead body?" He asked her.

"Not yet".

"What do you mean not yet, you're supposed to call us after you find dead body".

"Oh no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on", her tone was stern.

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body", stiles said frantically waving his arms about. Him and Lydia began arguing about finding dead bodies. Allison and I just rolled our eyes.

"Guys", Scott said commanding Stiles and Lydia to shut up. "I found the dead body". His movements were slow as he went to look around the corner. Curiosity got the better of me, I peered around the corner to see a bloody body leant over the 'Beacon Hills High School' sign. Blood dripped down the sign, I felt sick. I walked over to the wall and sat down trying to keep my dinner from coming back up.

"Ems are you okay?" Stiles asked kneeling next to me, his hand rested on my legs.

"Yeah I've just never seen so much blood". I ran my hand through my hair.

"Stiles you should come over here", Scott called over to Stiles.

"Not now Scott, I'm looking after Emily". He delicately rubbed my hands on my legs. 'I'm looking after Emily' I replied him saying that over and over again in my head. I felt so much better after hearing that.

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