Chapter 18 - The Glen Capri

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Trigger warning: Hey guys, this story contain mentions of suicide and mental health if this is something that affects you please move onto the next chapter. If these are topics that you struggle with don't be ashamed or afraid to talk to someone or call a helpline, you are important and are loved. I hope you're all doing well and staying safe.

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Our room was '217' and it had a dusty aroma to it, the smell filled my nostrils and caused me to sneeze. I placed my bad on the floor and fell on to the bed. "What a day". I said as my body sunk into the surprisingly comfy bed. Allison fell down next to me. As she did my belly rumbled, loudly.

"Was that you?" Lydia asked grossed out.

"Yeah I guess I'm kind of hungry since we haven't actually eaten", I rubbed my stomach trying to calm the sounds down.

"I think I saw a vending machine downstairs why don't you go and grab something?" Allison said. I nodded and got up from the bed.

I went out of the room and down the metal stairs to see a bright light shining from the vending machine. Boyd was already standing there just staring the machine. "Ugh hi". I said awkwardly trying to make conversation but he just ignored me. Footsteps began running down the stairs and I looked over to see Stiles coming over to the vending machine.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here", he chimed as he move the change in his pocket about.

"Yeah I got hungry, you know since we haven't eaten". I said my belly betraying me and rumbling again in front of Stiles. "Sorry I'm apparently really hungry".

"I can tell", Stiles smirked. "Hey what's up Boyd?".
Boyd also didn't respond to Stiles, he just pressed some buttons on the machine. The machine began whirring but nothing dropped down. We stood there quietly for a moment until Stiles said, "You know what? I got a patented method for this".

He grabbed the top of the machine ready to pull it back and forth, however, Boyd smashed his hand through the glass and grabbed out a peanut butter flapjack. "Boyd, what the hell?" I yelled at him as he walked away with his snack. "Well, that was weird but a freebie is a freebie". I grabbed a few of the snacks and stiles joined, we giggled like school children as we knew what we were doing was wrong but we couldn't help it. We rushed upstairs, in hopes that no one saw us.

We said our goodbyes and went back to our rooms, the energy in the room was different than when I left it. Lydia was gone and Allison was still in the shower, the shower curtain was wrapped around her and her face was filled with bewilderment. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, walking into the bathroom.

"I don't actually know, one second I was having a shower, waiting for Lydia to come back with the towels and next thing I know Scott in the bathroom with me saying some nonsense about getting back together. It was like he was in a trance because after a while he just snapped out of it and ran out of the room", she told me as she tried to understand the situation.

"Okay, that's weird... I mean I thought Boyd was being weird but that is weird". I said emphasising on the word 'weird'.

"Wait, what did Boyd do?"

"Oh, well I went to the vending machine and he was just staring at it. I tried to talk to him but he ignored me, then Stiles came over and he ignored Stiles. Then, he put some numbers in to get a snack out but nothing happened, so Stiles said he had a method or something to help with this but before he even got to do it, Boyd just punched the vending machine glass and grabbed a snack out". I explained to her, her brows furrowed as she listened to me. "Like he was in a trance".

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