Chapter 27 - It started with a kiss

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Okay so today was the day, I'm going to talk to Stiles... no big deal. We had economics first, so I prepared what exactly I was going to say, playing the scene over in my head. After class I'd ask to have a chat with him and I'd nervously ask how he feels about me. I will tell him how I truly feel and he will tell me the same. I've imagined the scene in my head with a happy and a sad ending, just to prepare myself. He could feel the exact same or could feel nothing at all. 

I walked into the economics classroom, butterflies in my stomach, I sat next to Stiles. He wasn't sat in his usual seat, which was strange but I didn't question it. He was doodling something in his book, he didn't even notice that I had sat down right next to him. The coach started the lesson, he started to talk about the differences between GDP and GNP. I copied down what he was writing on the board, Stiles however was still doodling. Coach noticed this and asked. "Are you paying attention Stilinski?"

Stiles didn't answer, he was now writing something, this angered coach who this time shouted. "Stilinski, are you listening to me?"

Coach took a deep breath, a movement that made most of the students cover their ears with their hands as they knew what was about to happen next. Coach pursed his lips on his whistle and blew hard, the annoying sound filling the room. Stiles' head shot up. "STILINSKI".

"Ugh... yeah", Stiles replied, looking around the room confused.

"I asked you a question".

"Sorry Coach what was it?"

"Oh it was, Stilinski are you paying attention back there?"

"Oh, well I am now". He twirled his pen between his fingers. As soon as coach carried on the lesson he leant over to me. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Stiles... you weren't asleep".

It would seem me telling Stiles my feelings about him will have to wait.

We regrouped with everyone else at our free period to go through what our next steps shall be. Scott spoke first. "Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?"

"And is unable to tell what is real or not", Stiles added on.

"And is being haunted by demonic vision of dead relatives", Allison said. I chewed on my pen lid, this mixed with my chemistry homework was puzzling my mind.

"They're all locked up because they're insane", Isaac unhelpfully remarked.

"Ha", stiles scoffed. "Can you at least try to be helpful, please".

"For half of my childhood I was locked in a freezer. So being helpful is kind of a new thing for me".

"Okay, are we still milking that-"

"Yes we are still milking that".

"Hi", a petite girl , holding a few books closed to her chest, walked over to our table. She spoke softly that no one else other than me heard her.

"Guys stop", I snapped before turning to face Kira, a wide grin on my face. "Hey, sorry about them".

"No, it's okay. I'm sorry for coming over it's just that I couldn't help but overhear what you guys were talking about", she nervously lifted her books closer to her chest. "And I actually think I might know what you're talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called bardo. It literally means in-between state. The state between life and death".

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asked squinting her eyes and looking at her up and down.

"Kira", Scott replied for the shy girl. "She's in our history class".

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