Chapter 47 - The Return to Mexico

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I was late on assignments, not doing well in tests and struggling to understand equations that should've been simple to me. The deadpool really effected me and my schoolwork and it didn't hit me until it was all over. It had only been a few days and the relief I felt was like a drug. I didn't have to look over my shoulder as much or stress about my friends. Alfie avoided me, I tried to get his attention even tried talking to him myself but he always walked away or was short with me so I gave up. Tonight there was a lacrosse game and it was a big one since it was the final of the season and it was against Brett's team again.

"Hey Emily", Stiles crept up behind me as I walked down the hallways to my next class.

I held my chest my heart pumping like crazy. "Jesus Stiles you scared me".

"Sorry, have you spoken to Scott?" Clearly he didn't have any time for small talk.

I scratched my head. "No recently why?"

"Crap", he swore. "No one had heard from him since last night".

"Wasn't he with Kira last night?" Scott had arranged a date night with Kira. Derek had lent him his place and he set up these lights all around the loft, it was a really romantic and cute gesture. "Has Kira spoken to him?"

"No, I think something wrong. Something must've happened with them". He chewed the skin next to his nail.

I grabbed onto his hand and pulled it away from his face. "Don't stress. I'm sure they has a great night last night and just over slept".

"You're right. That's probably it".

"Just focus on the game for now. Coach will literally kill you if you guys lose". Coach was on edge, he would stalk the hallways looking for anyone to insult or shout at. I found it funny but I would hate to be his victim.

"God I hope Scott and Kira make it for the game if not we are screwed", he said. "Would you ever think of playing Lacrosse?"

"It's not my kind of sport", I replied. We had made it to the classroom of our English lesson, we walked in and found two spare seats next to each other.

"What is your kind of sport?" Stiles sat next to me.

I thought for a second. "I like Volleyball".

"Volleyball? Have you ever played?"

"Never". As Stiles and I laughed, Alfie walked past us. His eyes fell onto us and his face dropped. I felt bad for enjoying a moment with Stiles knowing how it made Alfie feel.

Scott and Kira still didn't make it to school by the time the game rolled around. "Emily!" Stiles had found me on my way to the field. "I know Lacrosse isn't your sport but Coach is freaking out. We need you".

It's a phrase I've been hearing a lot lately, that people need me. It's a nice change from feeling useless last year. "What are you talking about Stiles?"

"Kira's stuff is in her locker, you guys are the same size and we really need all the players we can get".

"I don't know how to play", I lied.

"That's a lie you've come to every game. Emily, please", he pleaded.

I chewed on my bottom lip. "Fine".

I didn't know what I had just agreed to. I changed into Kira's kit, the shoulder pads felt heavy but I'll get used to it. I grabbed her lacrosse stick and ran out to the field.

"Emily great, Stiles told me you're great at Lacrosse. That's really great to hear after Scott and Kira bailed on me", he ran his head through his crazy hair.

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