Chapter 16 - Another Sacrifice

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Allison didn't say a word when she came back to the car, I didn't ask her what Scott has said as I didn't think she wanted to talk about it. I asked if she was okay but she just nodded her head so I left her to her thoughts.

She took me home and I said thank you but she didn't share a word with me. I didn't mind though obviously she had bigger things to care about.

I tried to go asleep but with everything that happened tonight especially seeing Eric's body, my mind just couldn't rest. It had been a few hours since then and I tried everything to fall asleep, counting sheep, listening to whale sounds even read some of my school books anything to relax myself but it wasn't working. I had figured out recently that I'm able to sit on my roof and for some reason I had to urge to out to my room and get some fresh air. I gently placed my feet on my roof and pushed my body out of my window. The roof creaked a little and I stiffened my body hoping not to make another sound. If my dad found out I was out here, well let me tell you I would be the most terrified I've ever been and I've had a gun pointed at me. I spent ten minutes outside, listening to the sounds of beacon hill, the cold air stung on my face but I didn't mind it. My view was mostly of Stiles bedroom but it was dark and empty, I wish he was there. Five more minutes pass and I was about to head inside until the universe decided the grant my wish. Stiles bedroom door opened and he walked into his room, he seemed worried like something was on his mind. It took him a while before he looked up and noticed me sitting in front of his window. A smile formed on his face causing butterflies to swarm my stomach. He opened his window up. "Hey you".

"Hey yourself".

He grinned before taking his shoes off, flinging them across his room and climb out of his window. He didn't have much space on his roof to sit so he sat on his window frame and placed his feet onto the roof.

"How's your night going?" I asked once he had settled down on the window frame.

"Great..." he said quietly before shaking his head. "Sorry no it hasn't it's been kind of awful actually".

"Do you want to explain?" I asked softly, he bit his lip for a while. "You don't have to".

"No it's okay just figuring out where to start", he combed his fingers through his hair, something I'm sure he's not used to since growing his hair out. "Well you already know about the bank, Scott mentioned that you and Allison were there. After dealing with that situation, Lydia called me about a dead body so that kind of made my night better".

"Better?" I couldn't help but snort out some laughter.

"Okay that sounds bad, more exciting", he let out a little giggle, which was cute. "Anyway so I found her at a swimming pool and there was a dead boy, she called the police, before me might I add. They came and took the body away. After I took Lydia home I went straight to the hospital to talk to Scott's mom Melissa about the injuries on the body as I thought at the time it could be related to werewolves yanno, however he was strangled and hit in the head".

"Not a very werewolfy thing to do", I said playfully.

"That's what I said!" Stiles exclaimed, the corner of his lips curled upwards before he shook his head and carried on. "But uh, yeah it's not a typical thing for a werewolf to do and then there was another body with the same marks. It was uh, the girl who's party I went to the other night".

"The one you were making out with?"

This caught him off guard and he began stuttering. "Uh y-yeah that's her". His cheeks became rosy, you could say it was because of the cold air but I think it was because he was embarrassed. He's hardly my boyfriend so he can kiss whoever he wants he shouldn't need to feel embarrassed or guilty I just get jealous which is normal. "So yeah and it's not just the ligament marks that are the same, they're both virgins as well". I really don't want to know how he know this information. "And I think they may be sacrifices and a girl is now missing and I'm sure as hell she's the next one".

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