t h i r t y - s e v e n

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-nine years later-

You were 25 years old now, and you and Gabriel were still in a strong relationship. The two of you had just bought a house together, and you couldn't be happier.

Since the both of you were sharing a room, you had to make plans on how this whole thing would work.

"Okay, you sleep on that end, and I'll sleep here." Gabriel said, pointing to the left side of the bed, then the right.

"No, no, I'm sleeping on the right." You argue.

"Uh, uh, I'm sleeping here." He argues back.

"I'm sleeping there!" You yell.

"No, I am!" He yells back.

You two bicker over what side of the bed you'll be sleeping on, and it turned into a play fight. The two of you giggled as you tackled each other onto the bed.

   "Okay, okay, you can sleep on the right." Gabriel says.

   "Woohoo!" You put your arms in the air, celebrating.

   He giggles, seeing you being all goofy. He then pulls out his phone, checking on his job application.

   "Still nothing?" You ask.

   "Yea, unfortunately." He replys.

   You check the time, and it's already 9:45 at night. You completely forgot about your new job.

   "I'm gonna head to sleep now, I have work tomorrow." You say, heading to the bathroom to change.

   "Alright then, I'll get ready, too." Gabriel says, changing into his pajamas.

   As if on cue, the both of you finish changing and hop on the bed at the same time. You look into each other's eyes and giggle, knowing that the two of you made the right decision to stay together these past years.

   "Night, Y/N. I love you." Gabriel says.

   "I love you too." You reply, smiling.

   Gabriel smiles back before turning off the light, and starting to fall asleep. Before he could, however, you wrapped your arms around him, cuddling. He's confused for a second, but then wraps his arms around you. The two of you fall asleep in each other's arms, feeling safer than ever.

-one week later-

   You had just come home from work. Exhausted, you flop down on the couch.

   Gabriel walks in the room, a piece of toast in his hand.

   "Oh, you're home." He says.

   "Yeah. Tiring day today." You reply.

   He crawled beside you into the bed. "That sucks."

   "Wow, I'm gonna need some water for that dry ass response." You joke.

   "Come on, I'm tired too from all the interviews. But, I need you to come with me to pick up a friend from the police office." He says.

   "Oh, come on! I just got home!" You whine.

   "I know, but it'll only be for a moment." He persuaded.

   Your mouth goes into a line before you replied, "Fine, but you're driving."

   "Cool with me." He says.

   You go and change into a blue v-neck sweater and white capris. You didn't really need to do anytthing else because you had work an hour ago.

   Once both of you finish getting ready, you hop in the passenger seat while Gabriel takes the driver's.


   It took you 30 minutes, but you were there. But, something was off. There were almost no cars, and the place seemed dead.

   "Gabe, are you sure we're at the right place?" You ask, obviously concerned.

   "Yeah. Everything's the same as usual," He replies. "Like this tree over here."

   He leads you to a tree, and it had a heart, with your first initial and his. You then realized where you were.

   "Oh my God, I remember this place!" You grin.

   "So do I. And I don't want either of us to forget it." He says.

   "My God, Gabriel, you're so cheesy!" You joke.

   He chuckles, "I know, I know."

   "Hey!" You hear a voice say.

   You turn around to see someone carrying some sort of board with them. Once they noticed you were looking, they held up a sign that said, "Marry me?"

   You stood there, confused. Then, you feel a tap on your shoulder.

   Turning around, you notice that it's Gabriel, and he's on one knee, a ring in his hand.

   Your head looks to the side, a hand over your mouth. Here, out of all places, he decided to propose. But, you didn't mind.

   "Will you?" He asks quietly.

   No words could escape your mouth. All you did was nod your head. Happy tears threatened to let loose, but you held them in.

   Gabriel's smile grows bigger as he stands back up and places the ring on your finger. Then, you hear cheering.

   Looking around, you noticed that your frieds were there. Zhenzhen holding the camera you left her when you thought you were gonna die, Alex and Dariush high-fiving, and your childhood buddies clapping for you.

   You two look back into each other's eyes, and press your lips against each others. This moment was magical, nothing could ruin it.



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a/n:ok so i decided to make another chapter before the actual epilogue because i didnt want this part to be too long lmfaobut i PROMISE the next chapter will be the epilogue

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ok so i decided to make another chapter before the actual epilogue because i didnt want this part to be too long lmfao
but i PROMISE the next chapter will be the epilogue

also, i rewrote this chapter because i had a really great opportunity for the proposal place and i missed it sooo yea
take care, stay safe, and enjoy the rest of your day/night!

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now