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   You dozed off halfway to the camp, the traffic on the road was crazy. You woke up, feeling half asleep, then you turned your head to the right, looking out the window and seeing a group of older boys hanging out and laughing. That, for some reason gave you the chills. Groups of teens walking down the sideways just intimidated you for some reason.

   The car arrived at the camp before you knew it. You looked through your mom's window to see a big arch holding a sign that read, "Rim of the World". Past the arch, you noticed kids running around and enjoying their time at the camp. Nervousness crawled through the veins of your body, you weren't ready to go out there and socialize. You were also hoping to experience happiness, which you hadn't gotten a dose of in a long time.

   "There it is, Y/N. Now go out there and enjoy your time! I'll be right behind you." You both exited the car, and you took your bags out of the trunk. One of the leaders noticed you, and apporoached you with a friendly smile. He introduced himself as Logan, and showed you around a bit while also introducing you to the other camp leaders.

   You headed over to registration with your mother in the mess hall, and another camp leader saw you. He gasped excitedly, "You must be Y/N! You can head on over there, check in, get your cabin number," He pointed to the registration desk. "Oh, by the way, how are your pipes?" He asked. "Our musical this year is Fiddler on the Roof!" He started to sing, "If I was a rich boy, na na  na..." Your mom smiled at him, and took you to the registration desk.

   Registration was all done. You were signed up for some activites to do in the camp before you and your mom exchanged goodbyes and hugs. She left the camp waving at you before focusing on the road. You looked at your schedule and checked your cabin number. Cabin number 7 was the cabin you were staying in. Logan handed you a name tag, and let you customize it. You wrote down your name in a wide font, then made it look like pink blood was dripping off of it. You decorated the tag with Hello Kitty holding a knife in the bottom right corner along with a tiny cherry blossom on the side. Cuteified horror was your aesthetic.

   A girl looked over your shoulder, seeing the drawing you made onto your nametag. You felt her presence and looked to your side. She looked impressed by the artwork you made. "Nice drawing," she complimented you. You felt nervous about the fact that someone wanted to talk to you. "You really think it's nice?" You tried to keep the conversation going, while clipping the nametag on your black shirt. "Yeah, it's really cool." The girl replied, putting a small smile on her face. "Thanks, I've never gotten a compliment on my art before." Zhenzhen smile grew bigger.

  "So I'm assuming your name is Y/N?" She asked the obvious question. "Yeah." You confirmed. You looked down at her nametag, and saw that her name was Zhenzhen. "You have a nice name." You shot her a compliment. She expressed her appreciation by giving a small "thank you" to you. You both decided to go to your cabins and unpack, then learned that you two were sharing a cabin. You smiled at each other and headed to the small log cabin, to find the other two girls unpacking on their side of the cabin. They both looked at you and Zhenzhen, and introduced each other.

  "Hey there! I'm Daniella, but you can call me Dani for short." The girl pointed to her nametag, introducing herself. She pointed to the other girl, who was still unpacking her stuff. "That's Nicole, but she likes being called Cocoa." Cocoa looked up at the three girls conversing, and waved awkwardly before going back to unpacking. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Y/N." you pointed to your nametag. "Zhenzhen." Zhenzhen shortly introduced herself.

   After unpacking, you decided to get some food from the cafeteria. As you were walking to an empty table, you heard someone whistling at you. You looked toward the noise with a face that screamed, "whoever tf said that is gonna get their head ripped off." You met eyes with a dark-skinned boy, he eyed you up and down. His nametag read "Dariush". "Hey cutie, wanna sit with me?" He catcalled you, nudging at his group of friends and chuckling after. "Typical boys," You thought to yourself.

   You looked him dead in the eye and said, "I have a collection of knives and pepper spray with me right now." He was shocked, but tried to masquerade it. "Feisty, I see? Me likey." You rolled your eyes, and sat down at the table. You then realized you forgot to get your food, so you saved your seat then headed to get your lunch.

  You went back to your cabin with a full stomach. The girls were talking, getting to know each other, and you decided to join them. A few minutes of talking later, the cabin started to get stuffy, so you took your coat off. The girls noticed your bandaged arm. "Woah, what happened to your arm?" Dani asked, a shocked look on her face. "Oh, it's nothing," you assured them, "My cat Moon got angry and used my arm as a scratching post." "liar."  you thought to yourself. "Ouch," Cocoa said, bearing her teeth in a slight frown. "Is it healing?" "Yeah, it's getting better now."

*time skip to after dinner*

  It was getting dark, so you decided to get changed into your pajamas.

   You checked to see if anyone was around, then you checked the time on your phone

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   You checked to see if anyone was around, then you checked the time on your phone. It was  9:14 pm. You decided to go out to the bonfire and roast some marshmallows. Putting on your shoes, you also decided to stuff the alarm keychain in your pocket. Y'know, in case you run into people like that Dariush kid.

   After all of that marshmallow roasting, you decided to practice your knife flips before heading to bed. You took out your video camera, as it was the only device allowed on camp, and recorded your progress. Shortly after the camera started recording, the girls came back in from outside. They noticed you flipping your knife and gasped, but shook it off. Instead, they were fascinated by the action.

  You decided to head to bed, it was 10:47 pm. You closed up your knife, pulling the safety switch, and stowed it away in your bag, along with the camera. The lights dimmed, and off you went to wonderland.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now