t w e n t y - s e v e n

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   You were resting at home, still thinking about what had happened just hours ago. It was 11:23 in the afternoon, and you were feeling restless. You just couldn't bring yourself to just close your eyes and sleep like a baby.

   All you were doing was going on your phone, drinking iced coffee and eating whatever was in your pantry. You were bored to death, but your night owl instincts kept you up. Eventually, you put your phone to rest, and just laid there, on your bed, deep in thought once again.

   "So, who do I really love?" You thought to yourself.

   It was a tough decision, but eventually, you realized that you don't know who the f*ck to choose. This question, lingering in your mind was not letting you rest. A simple, yet not so easy to answer question.

   Then again, you remembered seeing Gabriel in that alleyway. How helpless he looked. The recalled thought made a single tear roll down the side of your cheek.

   "I just hope he's okay." You thought again. Minutes later, you gradually closed your eyes, falling asleep.

   The next morning, you woke up as if it was any other day. You went out the door of your shared room and walked into your kitchen.

   You weren't really hungry because of all the late night snacks from the night before, so all you took was a pre-made cinnamon roll from a box.

   After you finished eating, you went back into your room to grab your clothes. You then walked into the bathroom, starting your morning routine. You brushed your teeth, then cleaned your face. After maintaining your hygiene, you changed into this outfit:

 After maintaining your hygiene, you changed into this outfit:

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   You walked out of the bathroom with your laundry. As soon as you closed the door behind you, you already saw your stepsisters in the kitchen, eating.

   "Hey, Y/N/N." Hailey said to you.

   "Buenos dias, buttface." You say back.

   "Oh, I see you finally learned some Spanish," Amelia said. "Buen trabajo!"(please correct me if im wrong)

   You just tilted your head sideways in confusion. "Huh?"

   "That means "good job", dear." Your stepmother said, walking down the stairs.

   "Hey mom." You all said to her. She walked to the front door, putting her shoes on.

   "I'm in a rush to get to work, so you take care of yourselves, okay?" She said.

   "Alright." Amelia said.

   "Bye!" Your stepmom said, waving.

   "Bye!" You all said back. You went back in your room to put your laundry back, then went back outside to the living room.

   Hailey amd Amelia walked up to you, sitting down.

   "So.. what happened yesterday?" Amelia asked.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now