t h i r t y - f i v e

779 14 9

9:38 AM
   Your eyes were slowly opening as you stretched your arms out. Looking around, you saw that you were still in the motel room, and the sun was shining through the curtains.

   You felt a heavy weight on you as you attempted to get out of the bed you rested on. You looked at what was restraining you, and it was Gabriel. He was sleeping on top of you, arms wrapped around your body.

   You chuckled softly, and pat his head as he slept peacefully on your chest. You looked to the left, and saw that Alex and Zhenzhen weren't on their bed. Dariush was off the floor as well.

   Confused, you looked straight in front of you, and saw the three looking at you and Gabriel. Zhenzhen was recording the two of you, and your eyes widened.

   She smiled and stopped recording. Meanwhile, you got out of bed, trying your best not to wake Gabriel up. Gently placing him down, you walked up to Zhenzhen to chat.

   "How long have you guys been up?" You ask her.

   "Meh, around an hour."  Zhenzhen replies.

   "Oh, okay," You say. "Do you need to borrow anything, or?"

   "Actually, yeah. If it's fine." She answers.

   You take an outfit from your bag, and head to the bathroom to change. "Yeah, just take anything from my bag."

   This is what you wore:

   Once you got changed, you brushed your hair to make it look neater

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   Once you got changed, you brushed your hair to make it look neater. Then, you did your usual morning routine and walked out after you finished.

   By now, it was 10:00. Gabriel was still asleep. All of you were ready for the day, and you had an idea. You gathered the others, and spoke quietly so Gabriel wouldn't wake up.

   "Okay guys, put your blankets over your heads, then gather around him," You say. "Zhenzhen, can I borrow your phone?"

   "Why?" She responds.

   "I need to play some creepy music, and I gotta record, too." You answer.

   "Okay, sure." She hands you her phone, and you search up some creepy music. You play the soundtrack, and the others giggle. Placing Zhenzhen's phone down, you pull out your phone to record. All of you giggle as Gabriel starts to wake up. They manage to shut up before Gabriel could fully wake up.

   The tall boy slowly opens his eyes, and notices that you weren't in the bed with him. He looks around, seeing Dariush, Zhenzhen and Alex around him, blankets over their heads. 

   "AAAAAUUUUUUUGGHHHH!!!" Gabriel freaks out, thinking that he was being sacrificed by some sort of ghosts. 

   You try not to laugh too hard as he kicks Dariush out of the way, running towards the bathroom. He locks the door, and starts hiding. You were filming everything that was happening, meanwhile Dariush clenched his stomach in pain.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now