t w e n t y - n i n e

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Gabriel was at the doctor's office for a quick checkup. He still needed to make sure his head was fine.

"Alright, kid, you're all set. See you next Tuesday." The doctor said.

Gabriel got up from the chair he was in. "Thanks."

The boy met up with his mother in the waiting room, then they made their way to his mom's car. Gabriel's mom started the engine, and started driving back to their house.

"So, how was the checkup?" His mom asked.

"Pretty normal. Just needed to check if my head was okay, if I'm still sore and all that." Gabriel answered.

"That's good, you're getting better." His mom said. The two of them had finally arrived back at their house, and went inside. Gabriel went straight to his room while his mom started to prepare to make dinner.

The tall brunette walked laid in his bed, deep in thought about the past events. He'd been beaten up, went on national TV, and kissed you.. again.

He closed his eyes as he pictured the scene. You and him in the hospital, slowly leaning into each other. God, he wanted it to last longer.

The boy opened his eyes, and went to his computer. He put on his headset and started a game of Fortnite. He played several games, screaming in rage whenever he would get killed.

He was then called into the dining room for dinner. Gabriel took off his headset and walked out of his room. He sat down in front of his mother, eyeing his food. His mom placed down her plate of food, and started to dig into her food. Gabriel did the same.

"You were screaming so loudly in your room, I could hear you from the kitchen!" His mother said.

Gabriel chuckled. "Sorry, mom."

The two of them finished eating, and Gabriel went back to his room. He took his phone out, and called you. After a few rings, you answered.

"Hello?" You spoke into the phone.

"Hey, Y/N!" Gabriel said.

"Gabriel! What's up?" You said.

"Oh, nothing. Just playing games." Gabriel heard talking in the background of your call.

"Uh, where are you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm at some fancy restaurant. Why?" You answer.

"Cool! Are you with Adrien?" He asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"No, I'm with Zhenzhen, Hailey and Amelia," You said. "We're having a girls night out!"

"Ooh, okay. Have fun!" Gabriel said.

"Thanks, talk later! Bye!" You said, ending the call.

You stuffed your phone back into your handbag, and continued to talk with the girls. You were having a great time. This was your outfit:

 This was your outfit:

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