t w e n t y - t w o

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   You had heard everything that Amelia and Hailey said through the door. Were they right? Were you really dating Adrien because he reminded you of Gabriel?

   "No, I truly love Adrien," you thought to yourself. "He might've been a tad bit similar to Gabriel, but that's nothing! I'll show them."

   The door was opening, signalling that Hailey was coming in. Before she could see that you were awake, you quickly rushed to your bed, and pretended to fall asleep.

-the next day-
Your eyes slowly opened, indicating that you were waking up. Once they were fully opened, you sat up, and checked your phone, which wasn't charged.

You pressed the power button, and saw that it was 1:24 in the afternoon. Realizing that you woke up late, you went straight to the living room.

   There, you saw Amelia and Hailey opening gifts from the other night. You walked over to them, sitting down.

"Morning, guys." You greeted them.

"Merry Christmas, bitch!" Amelia said, ripping the gift wrap off of her present.

"There's presents for you over there." Hailey said, pointing towards the Christmas tree. You walked toward the festive tree decorated with ornaments and a star on top, and picked up a gift that said, "To Y/N, from Adrien".

You sat back down beside the girls, who were just finishing up gift opening. The gift you were holding was in a bag, and you proceeded to take the tape off of the opening of the bag.

You then took the tissue paper out, and saw a beautiful black dress inside of the bag. You took it out, and it looked like this:

 You took it out, and it looked like this:

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Another thing was inside of the bag. You took that out as well, and noticed that it was a card. Setting the dress aside, you opened the card, and read it.

Dear Y/N,
Merry Christmas! I hope you like the dress I picked out for you, it's from Incheon! My hometown, by the way. In case I chickened out and didn't say anything to you at the party, I just wanted to say that I might've had a huge crush on you. But, if I did tell you, then meet me at our secret garden on the 29th. Also, wear the outfit!
Season's Greetings,

You put the card down, and set the gift aside. Amelia then suggested that you open the gift from her next. That, you did. When you laid your eyes on what was inside, your eyes widened.

"Oh my god, you got me new butterfly knives!" You shouted in joy, hugging Amelia tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You thanked her.

"De nada, dumbass." She replied. You then took Hailey's gift to you, and opened it.

   The small box had a keychain inside, and it was an alarm chain. Just like the one you had during the invasion. Only this time, it had a photo of the three of you on it.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now