t w e n t y - s i x

844 14 39

   "Dariush?" You say, in a confused tone. He just pushed you aside, and started looking around.

   "Gabriel! You in here?" He yelled. No answer, except for Amelia walking down the stairs.

   "Who the hell is screaming in here?" She said.

   "Dude, why are you looking for Gabriel?" You ask. He didn't answer. Once he finally gave up, he faced you.

   "You need to come with us, right now!" He said, grabbing your hand.

   "I have a date with Adrien later!" You protest as he dragged you to his car. Inside you saw Zhenzhen and Alex.

   "Dude, this is urgent." He said, letting go of your hand.


   "Get in the car, we'll explain on the way." He said, getting into the driver's seat. You went into the passenger's seat, putting your seatbelt on.

   Dariush drove out of the driveway, making his way onto the open road.

   "Any luck finding Gabriel? Zhenzhen asked.

   "No, he's not here either." Dariush replied.

   "Alright, will one of you guys just tell me what's going on? What about Gabriel?" You say. The group stayed silent for a while.

   "Gabriel's gone missing." Zhenzhen finally said. Your eyes went wide.

   "He what?!" You exclaimed.

   How could he have gone missing? You were curious to know more about the situation.

   "Wait, wait, hold on. How do you guys know he's missing?" You asked.

   "He was supposed to come over at Dariush's to hang out, but he never showed up," Alex said. "We called his mom, but he wasn't at home."

   "We were gonna invite you too, but you never answered our texts and calls." Dariush said.

   "My phone died, sorry. But, that isn't important, where exactly are we going?" You asked.

   "Gabriel was going to get some coffee on his way here, so we're going to the Starbucks closest to my house." Dariush answered.

   "Ah, okay." You sighed and went on your phone. You noticed that you were at 13%.

   "Guys, did any of you bring a charger?" You ask.

   "No, why?" Zhenzhen said.

   "My phone's low, and I need to tell Adrien I might not be able to make it tonight." You reply, turning your phone off to conserve its battery.

   "Guys, we're here." Dariush said. He parked in front of the cafe, and everyone went out of the car.

   You all started walking around, looking for Gabriel. Zhenzhen and Dariush went inside the cafe, and you and Alex were looking outside.

   "Gabriel! Where are you?" You yelled.

   "Dude, where did you go?!" Alex yelled.

   You came across an alleyway, and decided to walk in there. You looked around, not seeing the missing boy anywhere.

   "Gabriel? You in here?" You called out softly. Eventually, you came across a cup holder, and four spilled drinks on the ground. You looked behind a dumpster, and finally found Gabriel lying against the brick wall of the building next door.

   "Gabriel!" You gasped, running up to him. He was out cold. Bruises on his face, and a big cut on his arm. Blood was dripping down his head.

   "Oh my God, Gabriel! Wake up!" You shook him, attempting to wake him up. Alex ran over to you.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now