t h i r t y

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You and Zhenzhen had fallen asleep in the holding cell. The rest you were getting was uncomfortable for you, no matter how many times you shifted over.

It was now 8:10 in the morning, and you and Zhenzhen were scared awake by one of the policemen banging her baton against the slightly rusted metal bars.

You rolled off of your displeasing black bedding, while Zhenzhen managed to sit up straight.

"Get up, kids. Your parents will be here soon." She said, walkimg away.

"Got it." You and Zhenzhen both say. You were then let out of your cell, and were lead to some sort of office. There, you saw a staff member, and a few guards to make sure you couldn't run away.

You and Zhenzhen sat down in your chairs, waiting for your parents to enter. After a few minutes or so, you saw Zhenzhen's foster parents and your mom. All were looking very disappointed.

The adults sat down and talked. You and Zhenzhen shared a look of distress to each other, basically reading each other's minds.

"Let's see here... your daughters are accused of assaulting a 24 year old waiter. What do you girls have to say about that?" The man behind the desk asked you.

"Alright, we were hanging out with some friends at (a restaurant), and this weird waiter started flirting with one of our friends." You started off.

"Yeah, then he threatened us, and... we sorta got into a fight." Zhenzhen finished off.

"Mhm, and he was 24! Keep in mind, we were all 16 and 17." You said.

The man looked shocked. "17? I guess we need to call the restaurant, have him fired. We don't want any more people like that around here, am I right?" He said, the buttons clicking and clacking on his keyboard as he typed.

As he was typing, you and your mom had a private conversation.

"Y/N, you did that for Hailey?" She said.

"Yeah, I just didn't want anything to happen to her." You said back, looking down.

"Look, I'll let you off the hook just this once, since you were only trying to protect her. You're a really brave girl." Your stepmom said.

"Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You said, hugging her.

"But, you're still grounded." She said, hugging you back.

"Alright, my work here is done. You girls are free to go." The man said. You and Zhenzhen fist bumped each other as you walked out of the police station.

The two of you went your seperate ways, and drove away from the station. As you were driving home, you talked with your stepmom again.

"Alright, until next week, your phone belongs to me. You also have to come straight home after school, okay? No hanging out with your friends." She said, focusing on the road.

"What?! Ugh, fine." You said.

"Good. Now, when we get home, head straight to your room, you have school." She said.

"Mhm." You said back. The rest of the car ride was silent until you got back home.

Once you got out of the car, you rushed to your room to put your uniform on. After changing your clothes, you quickly swiped your brush through your silky hair, and dashed out the door. You didn't even dare think about forgetting your backpack.

As soon as you finished getting ready, you quickly put on your shoes amd went out of the door. Your stepmom was giving you a ride, so you hurriedly got into the front seat, and drove off.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now