t h i r t y - s i x

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   You walk back into the store to see Zhenzhen look up at you with a blank expression.

   "Done talking to Adrien?" She says. You widen your eyes.

   "Wha-? How did you know?" You ask.

   "I was looking for you, then I heard you in the alley," Zhenzhen replies. "So, wanna tell me what happened?"

   You think to yourself for a minute, then speak, "Okay, but you can't tell anyone. At least not now."

   "Okay, okay." She says. The two of you start walking back slowly, while you explain.


   You stop behind the car, just finishing up your last sentence.

   "And..that's what happened." You say.

   "So..that's it? It's all over?" Zhenzhen asks, putting her stuff in the trunk.

   "Well, yeah. We decided to just stay as friends." You answer.

   "Wow. I'm so sorry about that." She says, her sympathy showing.

   "Nah, it's fine. I actually feel kind of better, now that I can openly express my feelings for Gabriel." You say.

   "Yeah, that's nice. We should get in now, they're waiting." Zhenzhen says to you.

   "You're right." You say, getting in the car. Zhenzhen follows.

   "Man, what the hell took so long?" Dariush says.

   "Sorry, there was a little problem with the self-checkout thing." Zhenzhen says.

   "Whatever you say." Gabriel says, sass in his voice. He begins to drive, not taking a glance at you. His face had a mildly angry expression.


"Hailey, Amelia, get your lunch here!" Ms. Diaz yelled.

The two girls didn't come out of their rooms. Amelia was upstairs, just laying down. So was Hailey.

Ms. Diaz took a plate, and walked up to Hailey's room. She knocks on the door, hoping there's a response.

   "What?" Hailey says from beyond the door.

   Ms. Diaz looks down at the food she made, then back up.

   "Hailey, you need to eat. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday!" She says, a worried tone.

   "I'm fine, mom. Just leave it on my desk." The young girl says, paying no mind to her current eating habits.

   Ms. Diaz opens the door, leaving the food on Hailey's desk. The young girl turns her head towards her mom, noticing the meal she's made her.

   Hailey's mother leaves her room, closing the door behind her. Hailey then proceeds to lay on her back, leaving the plate of food alone.

   She covers her face and heavily sighs, turning to her right. There, she faced the wall, filled with pictures of her past memories.

   Amelia on the other hand, decided to get off her butt and go out. She dolled herself up, and went outside.

In a monotone voice, loud enough for the others to hear, Amelia says, "I'm going out."

She closes the door behind her, and makes her way to the bus stop.

-2 hours later-

Amelia gets off the bus she's on, walking toward her house. She then notices her sister and her mother arguing through the window.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now