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   All five of you were running, slowly getting closer to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The pain in your back was killing you, but luckily, you were able to mildly bandage yourself.

   "How much farther til we get to JPL?" Dariush asked.

   "How should we know? We've been walking for ages!" You said in response.

   "Don't worry, we'll be there before you even know it," Gabriel said, trying to stay optimistic. You shrugged and kept walking.

   Probably an hour or two later, Zhenzhen nudged your left arm and pulled you aside. "Y/N, I think you were right about me liking Alex and all that," she whispered, quiet enough for only the two of you to hear. You grinned.

   "Well, what are you waiting for? Shoot your shot!" You whispered back.

   The girl nodded at you, then slowed down enough to walk beside Alex. You watched them, trying not to make it obvious. She pulled Alex aside, facing him. 

   "Yall," you tapped Gabriel and Dariush, pointing at them with your thumb. They looked back at Zhenzhen and Alex, curious about what they're talkung about. You couldn't really make out what they were saying, well mostly because Zhenzhen was talking and it was in Mandarin.

   You were assuming it didn't go well, probably because Alex said he didn't speak Mandarin and Zhenzhen just kept walking, smiling. Alex jogged to keep up with the group, asking Zhenzhen what she said.

   That's when Gabriel pointed to a large building. "Yo, look! Look, It's JPL!"


   "Whoa!" All of you started to run towards the damaged building. 

   "Man, this place got hit hard," Gabriel said as everyone halted to a stop in front of the building.

   Dariush spoke, "The building is destroyed! Nobody can survive that!" Just as he said that, Zhenzhen's radio was beeping. 

   "He's still here. Dr. Fielding's still here!" She exclaimed, looking at the four of you. "This way!" Alex ran towards the entrance, and everyone followed.

   "If we get out of this alive, NASA's paying for my therapy!" Dariush blurted out. Everybody ran inside, looking around.

   "Oh wow, they're testing plasma rockets! Those things burn hotter than the surface of the Sun," Alex said, fascinated.

   "Look, all we gotta do is get that key to Dr. Fielding, then you can look at all the nerd porn you want," Dariush said in response. 

   You ran inside a partially destroyed high-tech lab, calling out for Dr. Fielding.

   "Dr. Fielding! Dr. Fielding!" You all yelled. "We have the key, Dr. Fielding!"

   You all ran around the lab, searching for him. "Over here!" Zhenzhen yelled. In hopes that he was alive, the rest of you ran over to the girl. You looked in front of her and saw Dr. Fielding in his chair, laying still.

   Gabriel checked his pulse. "He's dead, guys."

   "But how?" Alex asked. Dr. Fielding had blood dripping down his nose. It went down his coat, and onto his hand, the blood dropping on the Morse code machine. Zhenzhen looked at the dripping blood, then back at the radio.

   All of you looked the other way, realizing that that was it. Obviously frustrated, everyone either covered their face in defeat, or hit a nearby object.

   You all walked away from the corpse in gloom. "I mean..." Dariush spoke up. "..let's be honest, guys. Who do we think we are?"

   "Nerd," Alex said.

   "Criminal," Gabriel said.

   "Orphan," Zhenzhen said.

   "Coward," You said.

   "A joke," Dariush said.

   You all looked at each other in silence after insulting yourselves. "I guess I'll.. go try and find my parents," Dariush said.

   "Me too," said Alex. The group slowly disbanded, walking away in different directions slowly. Zhenzhen stayed behind, and you turned around to look at her. She cracked two glowsticks and set them down. You went beside her and sat next to her.

   "What are you doing?" Alex asked Zhenzhen. She just smiled at him, and pretty soon, you all were sitting on the floor. Dariush noticed an unopened bottle of wine beside him, and picked it up.

   "They never got to open this," he said. "Well, since we're all gonna die together, may I propose a toast?" The boy waved the bottle around, then checked the label.

   "It's expired, isn't it?" You asked. 

   "Yup. This is from 1969! Could at least get some fresh wine if it's gonna be my first time," the boy said, chucking the bottle to his left.

   The bottle must have pressed a button, because two seconds later after Dariush threw the expired wine, a voice was heard from one of the computers.

   "Citadel, this is Crystal Palace, do you copy?" You all widened your eyes. How could the communication system work after the EMP? The man proceeded to repeat himself for clarification.

   "What was that?" Everyone ran to face the big monitor displaying a man, and beside him, a radar. The screen was glitching, but the sound was working just fine. There was a chair beside you, and you sat down to ease the pain from the cut on your back.

   "Hello, hello! We're here, uh- over!" Alex said in a big voice. 

   "Citadel, identify yourself. What is your name, ma'am? Over?" He asked Alex.

   "I'm Alex." he told him.

   "How old are you?" The man asked him another question.

   "I'm 13. And if you don't mind me asking, who are we speaking to?" He asked. 

   "This is General George Khoury at Cheyenne Mountain," the general replied. "Is anyone alive at JPL? Is Dr. Fielding there?"

   "There are five of us, everyone else is dead," Alex replied. "The astronaut sent us, before she died."

   "You were sent by Major Colins?" General Khoury asked, confused.

   "Yeah, that's why we came," Gabriel said.

   "She gave us the key and said something about Excalibur," Alex told him.

   "What, you have the crypto-key in your posession?" The general asked, slightly shocked.

   "That's right. What do we need to do to get this key to work?" Alex asked him. The general sighed. 

   "Nothing. You need to get out of there. I- I'm sorry, it's over," Khoury said. All of you began to walk away, except Alex.

  "Now, get out of there immediately, we're sending two units to pick you u-"



WOOHOOOOOO WE'RE FINISHING THE MOVIE!!!! sorry for the short chapter, i promise the next one's gonna be even longer! just one more chapter lololololol :3 hope you guys enjoyed, we even got to over 100 reads, that's amazing!(even tho it's not that much) tysm, cya next chapter! <3


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