t h r e e

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  The five misfits arrived back at the campgrounds, noticing nobody's there. 

   "Hello?!" Alex and Dariush both said at different times. You all were panicking, asking each other if you see anyone, but no luck. The group looked at a sign that was left leaning on a billboard. 

   Dariush read out the sign, "Gone down mountain, stragglers..." He read the rest of the sign quietly, then exclaimed, "Oh, they left us!" You all looked around the area, and Gabriel noticed someone passed out on a table. 

   "Not all of them." He said, walking in the direction of the passed out man. Everyone followed, and Alex recognized the guy. "It's heavy metal Conrad!" 

   "Is he dead?" Dariush asked. Gabriel checked his pulse, and determined he was alive. "He's breathing, he must've slept through the evacuation." Gabriel replied. 

   "Okay, what kind of an asshole sleeps through an evacuation?" Dariush said, "Wake him up!" Everyone tried awakening Conrad, but the alcohol seemed to have affected his reaction time. 

   You all kept shaking him, and Zhenzhen noticed a flask that said "MILK". She grabbed it, twisted the cap off, and downed it in four big gulps. Then, she threw it behind her, the flask landing in a bush.

   Everyone looked at her in slight shock. "I don't think that... was milk." Dariush said, Zhenzhen didn't care. "Jesus Christ," you muttered, everyone now pointing their eyes at you.

   You all walked to the mess hall, and you and Zhenzhen started gathering items you may need later. Gabriel tried to make a call on the wall phone, but nothing happened. 

   "Line's dead," he said. Alex tried switching on the lights, but the room stayed dark. 

   "It's because the power's out," Alex said. "Do you guys know what an EMP is?" He asked the rest of you. "Yeah, that's the music white people dance to." Dariush replied. 

   "No, that's EDM. EMP stands for 'electromagnetic pulse'." Alex corrected him. "A nuclear explosion in the air can cause one. It can knock out most electronics over a really big area." He held up his phone as an example.

   "And what does that mean?" Gabriel asked. Alex replied with, "It means nothing works." 

   "Not even..cars?" Dariush asked. You checked inside your bag to see that the batteries from your video camera had fallen out. You placed the two batteries back in the device, and it lit up. 

   "Guys, my camera just turned on!" You said, in a confused but excited tone. "But how?" Alex asked. You explained to him that the batteries fell out earlier, and you placed them back in.

   "I don't know, Y/N, it can be dangerous if that thing explodes. Try not to use it." Alex warned you. "What am I even gonna use it for?" you asked, checking if all your recordings were still there. Luckily, all your data was saved, and you turned off the device. "I don't know," he said back. You put the camera back in your bag, and swung it over your shoulder.

   Gabriel spoke, "Well, you guys have food and a roof over your head. You can do much worse than just staying here and waiting this out." He finished his sentence, and Dariush seemed confused.

   "Wait, waiting what out?" More booms were heard after that, and the group started to run outside. "Shit, go, go!" You all ran to the lake, seeing ships fighting in the air. 

   "Those are F-22 raptor air superiority fighters," Alex said. Gabriel took a look at the scene, noticing different ships along with the fighter jets.

   "What the hell are those ships they're fighting?" Gabriel asked. "I've never seen anything like them." Alex replied.

   You all kept staring at the ships in action, but they suddenly fly your way. Everyone jumped and ran away from the scene. The jets were shooting lasers, and one of them even crashed into a mountain.

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