t h i r t y - o n e

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Adrien could not believe the sight in front of him. How could you do this to him? His jet-black eyes went soft as tears welled up in them.

His hands balled up into fists in rage as he watched your lips mesh with another boy's lips. He wanted to just break the door open and throw Gabriel aside, but he had a better plan in mind.

Adrien managed to control his anger and walk away from the unbearable scene. He pointed his eyes down to the pavement as hot tears made their track on the grey cement.

The asian boy entered his house and slammed his room door shut. He aggressively threw his backpack aside and wandered around his room, hoping to walk the anger off. But, nothing worked.

No matter how hard he tried to surpass his mixed emotions, they still took him over. Adrien sat down at his desk, and cried in his own arms.


You and Gabriel broke the kiss, staring into one another's eyes. The two of you smiled at each other, it just felt right.

But, just like at the hospital, you quickly made distance between you two.

"Sorry. I just- I-" You both stammered upon your words.

"I- I'm sorry. You have a boyfriend, and it just... seems wrong." Gabriel said.

"Yeah, but.. didn't you feel it too?" You said.

"Hm?" Gabriel asked.

"The spark. You know, that gut feeling that tells you, "this is right", when in reality, it's not?" You answered.

Gabriel thought to himself, although he clearly knew the answer.

"Well.. yeah. But, still. I don't wanna hurt anyone or-"

"We won't, if we date in secret." You suggested.

"Y/N, that's a crazy idea!" You looked down.

"And I like it." Gabriel finished his sentence. You looked back up and smiled at him, kissing his cheek. It was official. You were now having a secret affair with Gabriel.

You heard something outside, so you quickly moved to your room. Before anyone could come home, you snuck Gabriel out of your bedroom window.


"We haven't even been dating two months and she does THIS to me?!" Adrien thought to himself as he cried even harder. Suddenly, his genius idea from earlier made its way back into his mind, and the boy decided to excecute it. He dried his salty tears, and grabbed his phone, dialing someone's number.

The mystery number answered, and the conversation went like this:

"Hello?" The voice answered.

"I guess you didn't get my message last time." Adrien said.

"Uh, who's this?" The other voice said.

"Don't act like you don't remember my voice, Gabriel." Adrien said, emphasizing the boy's name.

"Adrien? What "message" are you talking about?" Gabriel asked.

"I bet you had a great time with your old friends last week. They told me all about how you were begging for help on that dirty little alley." Adrien said in a sinister voice.

Gabriel's eyes went wide. "So it was you."

"That's correct! And I'll do it again," Adrien said. "Only this time, it's just you and me."

"What? I thought we were cool!" Gabriel was confused about the situation.

"Don't play dumb, kid. You know what you did earlier. How you took advantage of my girlfriend when you knew that I was dating her!" Adrien yelled.

"Look, dude. I'm sorry, i- it was a mistake!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Well, it's too late for that now. I'm coming for you, bitch!" He yelled as he ended the call.

Adrien then threw his phone against the wall, covering his face in frustration. He then punched his desk, muttering to himself,

"You're dead to me."

He then calmed down, and went back on his phone as if nothing happened. Although, he still was disappointed in you. The very thought of earlier's events brought his blood to a boil.


It was 5 in the afternoon, and you had fallen asleep on your desk. Hailey thumped your head awake, calling you for dinner.

"Y/N, wake up!" You heard her say. You fluttered your eyes open and lifted your head from your desk. You looked out your window and saw that it was pouring outside.

"Did- did I fall asleep? You asked, yawning.

"Well, duh. Now, hurry up, we gotta eat!" Hailey said, walking back to the dining room.

You cleaned yourself up, then made your way to the dining room. You took a seat, and started to eat along with your family. It was always the same thing almost every night. You, Hailey, Amelia and your stepmom having dinner at the table.

"Sorry I asked, but, I've never really seen your dad before, guys. Where is he?" You asked out of curiosity. Judging by the long faces your family was making, you knew that was a bad idea.

There was silence for a moment, until you spoke up.

"Uh, s-sorry. I didn't know it was like that!" You apologized.

"No, no. No need to be sorry, you were just curious!" Your stepmother said.

"Yeah. Besides, I think it's time we tell her, ma." Amelia said.

"Alright, then. Go ahead." Your stepmom said.

"Well, when Hailey and I were still babies, our dad would have to go work overseas a lot," Amelia said. "At least, that's what we thought."

"Huh? What do you mean?" You said.

"It wasn't until Hailey's 12th birthday that we found out, he had a secret family," Your stepmom said. Your eyes went wide. "And he chose them over us. All I know is that they have one daughter."

"Wow. I'm so sorry that happened to you guys," You said. "Do you know his name?"

"His name was Clayton. Clayton Baxville," Your stepmom said. "That fool would always come every once in a while to beg me for forgiveness, but I guess he died last summer."

Your eyes went wide.

Hailey looked at you. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah, it's just that...that..." You struggled to finish your sentence.

"Come on, just spit it out already!" Amelia said.

You took a deep breath in, already regretting the words that were going to come out of your mouth.

"That's..my fathers name.."

yo yo whats up peeps im back with another ugly chapter
so i basically half cringed when i wrote this so i dont blame you if you do the same thing
lol anyways please enjoy this and consider following for a future book 😳

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now