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-Monday morning, 7:13 AM-

   You were on the floor, resting on the mattress there. Unfortunately, last night was Hailey's turn to sleep on the bed. At least you got your needed rest.

   "Hey, Y/N! Come on, wake up!" Hailey said. The girl slapped your cheek, waking you up.

   "Ugh, what?!" You said, glaring at her.

   "School! In an hour!" She yelled. Your eyes widened. It was already Monday. You quickly got up and dashed to the bathroom.

   You felt rushed. It felt like time was speeding up. You quickly brushed your teeth, did your skincare, then finally, brushed your hair out. You didn't feel the need to style your hair today.

   After spending a good amount of time in the bathroom getting ready, you went back into Hailey's room to grab your clothes. As much as it sucked, you had to wear uniforms, and they looked like this:

 As much as it sucked, you had to wear uniforms, and they looked like this:

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   Sighing, you put your uniform on, and went out the door. Your backpack was already packed, and at the entrance. You noticed that it was 7:45, so all you took for breakfast was a granola bar and some tea.

   The sisters were already waiting outside for you, and you rushed to grab your backpack and put your shoes on. Before leaving, you grabbed the rest of your things, such as your keys and phone.

   Finally, you exited the house. Just in time, the bus had arrived, and all three of you were rushing to get on. It was going to take a few minutes, so you decided to listen to music. You took out your headphones, plugged them in your phone, and shuffled your playlist.

   Around 20 minutes later, you made it. You got off the bus, and the school was huge. You started to feel nervous about being in a new environment. Nobody in the entire place was familiar to you, except for Hailey and Amelia.

   "Well, are we just gonna stand here? Come on, I'll show you around later," Hailey said. She dragged you into the building, and Amelia followed.

   Once you three entered the building, you were pale. There were so many classrooms, and the hallways were filled with kids rushing to get to class. You didn't know how you would find your way around here.

   "Class starts in a few minutes, where's the schedule they gave you?" Amelia asked. You checked in your bag, and it wasn't there. You pushed everything in your bag aside, but you didn't find the schedule.

   "Oh God, where did I put it?" You said to yourself as you kept searching.

   "You lost your schedule, didn't you?" Amelia said. Looking up at her, you slightly nodded your head yes. The older girl put her palm on her face, sighing in disappointment. "Stupid."

   "Can't I just get a new one?" You asked.

   "Fine then, come with me," Hailey said.

   "I have class on the other side of the school, meet you guys at lunch!" Amelia said, walking away from the two of you.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now