t w e n t y - t h r e e

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-the next morning, 11:26 AM-
   You were still on the couch, peacefully resting. Everyone else was awake, and they were drawing on your face. The markers were bothering you, so you opened your eyes, waking up.

   Before you could see them with markers in their hands, they quickly put them away. By the time the markers were gone and everyone had stood back away from you, you had fully woken up.

   You looked around, and realized that you were in Gabriel's house. Everyone else was quietly giggling, telling each other to shut up.

   "What's so funny?" You asked. When you asked that, though, the other four burst out into laughter.

   "What?" You were still confused as to why they were laughing. "Is there something on me?" You tried patting different parts of your body, but everything seemed normal.

   Oblivious to the fact that there was marker on your face, you went to the nearest mirror, and checked if there was anything. Your friends were still laughing.

   When you finally looked at the mirror, you noticed the massive amount of marker doodles on your face.

   "What the f*ck did you guys do to my face?!" You yelled. That caused the others to laugh even harder. So much that their stomachs hurt. You looked away from the mirror, glaring at them.

"We're sorry, we just- we just had to!" Alex wheezed out in laughter.

"You should see your face, Y/N!" Gabriel said. You eventually smiled and started to laugh with them.

You made your way to the bathroom, running some warm water through the tap. You tied your hair up and checked the temperature of the water.

"This shit better be washable!" You said, splashing the water on your face. You tried to rub the marker off, but when you checked to see if it was gone, the ink only faded just a bit.

"God damnit, why won't it come off?!" You yelled, repeating your attempts at washing the doodles off.

You eventually gave up, and walked out of the bathroom with a damp face. A frown was wiped on your face, and your arms were crossed.

"Zhenzhen, you better have makeup on you right now." You told Zhenzhen, as she was the only other girl present.

She checked her bag, and luckily, there was makeup inside. She then handed it to you, and you went back inside the bathroom.

You put around two pumps of foundation onto the back of your wrist, then tried blending it onto your skin. However, Zhenzhen's foundation was a few shades too light.

You wiped the makeup from your face, rinsing it afterwards. You came out of the bathroom, light marker doodles still on your cheeks and forehead.

"I'll just cover it when I get home." You said, handing the makeup back to Zhenzhen.

"Too light?" The girl asked.

"Yup," You replied. You then took the two blankets you brought, and put them back into your bag. "Anyways, the girls are going to kill me, so I gotta go."

Everything was back in your bag, so you zipped it up, and threw your gloves and beanie on. "Bye!"

"See ya!"

You took your scooter outside, and started riding back home. It took you about ten minutes before you reached the front door of your house.

You took out the keys from inside your bag, and unlocked the door. Once the door unlocked, you walked inside to see Amelia and Hailey at the door, staring at you. That scared you for a split second.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now