t h i r t y - f o u r

699 11 7

   The five of you were on the road, singing along to your favourite songs. It was nice to be around with your closest friends after a while.

   "Hey, don't you guys have school tomorrow?" You asked.

   "No, we have the day off tomorrow. So, we can just pull an all-nighter!" Zhenzhen said.

   "Alright!" You cheer. Time flies by, and it's already 7:30. Gabriel pulls up to Starbucks, and you all decide what to get before Gabriel goes inside.

   "Wait, wait, wait, hold on." Dariush said.

   "What?" You all asked.

   "I'm coming with you." He replied.

   "Why?" Gabriel asked.

   "Um, hello? Do you all not remember the last time Gabriel got us coffee?" Dariush said.

   "Ohh." You all said in realization.

   "Yeah, you're right. Take Dariush with you." Alex said.

   "Alright, let's go." Gabriel said, hopping off the car. Dariush followed, and the two walked into the cafe.

   While you were waiting with Zhenzhen and Alex, all you did was scroll through social media. The couple behind you just started talking about something, but you didn't really pay attention.

   A few minutes later, you saw the two boys running toward the car with all your drinks. Through the window, you could hear them yelling.

   "Go, go, get in the car!" Gabriel yelled.

   "What the hell?" You all said.

   "Come on, hurry!" Dariush yelled as the two hurried into the car. The drinks had almost spilled on you, thank goodness they didn't.

   "START THE GODDAMN CAR!!" Dariush yelled.

   "Okay, okay!" Gabriel yelled back. By now, all of you were yelling at each other in confusion.

   "Everybody please, SHUT UP!!" Alex yelled. Surprisingly, his yell worked as the four of you stopped yelling.

   "What happened?" You ask.

   "There were two rats in the bathroom." Dariush said.

   "And?" Zhenzhen said.

"They were about to bite my balls off, they came in my stall!" Dariush yelled.

   "Dariush , you literally came out of that bathroom girly-man screaming just to scare me into doing the same thing. They're just rats!" Gabriel said in disbelief.

The five of you broke out into laughter. And I'm not saying little giggles like "ahah oh that was funny", I'm saying "LMFAOOOSHWH YOU F*CKING DUMBASS". You were full on cackling.


   Time progressed faster than you thought, you didn't want to leave yet. It was already 10:30, way later then you were planning to leave. You weren't complaining, though.

All five of you were still in the car, eating some burgers you bought a few minutes earlier. You were chatting and chatting, and couldn't seem to stop.

   All the seats except for the front seats were folded, so you could sit together. In a circle, Gabriel was on your right, Zhenzhen on your left, Alex sat beside Zhenzhen, and Dariush was in between Gabriel and Alex.

   "Hey, Y/N, how did you get kicked out of your house?" Dariush asked.

   "Dude!" The others said, shutting him up.

   "Nah, it's okay." You said, not really bothered by the harsh topic.

   "Well, since he brought it up, you okay with telling us?" Alex asked. By now, you'd already finished eating.

   "Uh, sure," You reply, taking a deep breath. "It was after Zhenzhen and I got arrested. We both got discharged, and went home. I was having dinner, and I notice that the girls' dad is never around."

   "Then..what happened next?" Zhenzhen asked.

   "I asked them about their father, and I found out that he had a secret child. That child..." You paused, feeling anxious to continue.

   "It's okay, take your time." Gabriel said, putting an arm around you. You took another deep breath. Tears welled up in your eyes as you finished your sentence.

   Your voice began to break as you said, "That kid was me."

   The group quietly gasped. Your tears began to form as you looked down in embarassment. Being a secret child wasn't something you were too proud of.

   "Instead of accepting the fact that my dad was an unfaithful bitch, the girls' mom kicked me out." You said.

   You started to blink your tears back, looking up. That didn't work, and you started to cry. It was a mix of a soft and a numb cry.

   "No, don't cry!" Zhenzhen said, pulling you into a hug.

   Sniffling, you said, "Well, why shouldn't I? Living with people you truly cared about for 7 months, then getting kicked out because you were part of their father's secret family isn't all that great." 

   The whole group was silent, until Gabriel spoke, "Well, it's their loss! They just lost an important member of their family. In fact, your stepmom should be embarrassed about the fact that she blamed the wrong person."

   "Yeah," Dariush said. "Your dad and your stepmom have some issues."

   You looked up at everyone as they were supporting you. After the long talk, Gabriel drove to a nearby motel, since it was already 11:15.


   The five of you walked into the room, and saw that there were two beds.

   "Alright, who's sleeping with who?" Alex asked.

   Walking towards the empty space between the beds, you speak, "I can go on the floor agai-" 

   You felt someone pull on your wrist, making you walk backwards. "Nope, you're sleeping with me this time." Gabriel says, putting a shoulder around you.

   Dariush looked at you and Gabriel, then looked at Alex and Zhenzhen, already knowing damn well he was sleeping on the floor.

   "For f*cks sake, really? Is this what being single is supposed to feel like?!" Dariush yells. You all laugh.

   All of you are in pajamas, Zhenzhen borrowing yours, and the boys borrowing Gabriel's. Since the partners were already decided, you all hopped into bed and fell asleep.


   4:18 AM

   Your eyes flutter open, revealing the dark room you were in. You yawned, opening your phone to check the time.

   "It's way too early for this shit." You think to yourself. 

   Suddenly, along with Dariush's loud snoring, you hear a faint typing noise. Looking over gently, you notice Gabriel texting someone. You were concerned for a second, but he was worthy of your trust. Shaking the negative feeling off, you closed your eyes, and dreamt the night away.



but uh yeah hope you enjoy this story and uh follow me if you wanna know more about me and when there are new updates :))



ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now