e i g h t e e n

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   Two weeks had already passed since all five of you became friends. It was Sunday morning, and you were resting on the bed, since it was your turn last night.

   You woke up, checked your phone, and it was only 9:37 in the morning. Although you got your needed sleep, you were exhausted.

   Hailey was still asleep on the floor. You poked her awake, calling her name.

   "Wake up, you dumb f*ck." You said. Just then, an idea popped up into your mind. You slowly tip-toed your way to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of ice cold water.

   You walked back into the room, noticing Hailey was gone. You looked around, and suddenly, your leg was pulled. It caused you to fall down and splash the water all over yourself.

   "Agh!" You yelled as the cold water froze you. Hailey came from behind the door, laughing her ass off.

   "Gotcha, bitch!" She cackled.

   "Oh, come on!" You exclaim as you get up.

   Hailey was still chuckling. "Hey, wanna go get some breakfast with the guys?"

   "Uh, yeah, sure. Where's mom?" You ask.

   "At work until 10 at night. So, we get the house to ourselves!" She replies.

   "Nice! Alright, I'll go get ready first." You said, making your way to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth, did skincare, then you went back to yours and Hailey's room to change. You managed to pick out this outfit:

   After changing, you tied your hair up into space buns, then you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room

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   After changing, you tied your hair up into space buns, then you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room.

   "Damn girl, looking nice!" Hailey said. You chuckled.

   "Hurry up so we can get some food," You say to her. "Also, where's Amelia?"

   "She's in her bathroom, probably." Hailey responded.

   After a while, all three of you were ready, and it was already 9:57. You got your bus pass, keys, and phone, then walked to the bus stop.

   You took the bus, and rode to a small café. After getting off the bus, the three of you try to spot Adrien and Xavier. Eventually, all five of you got together and went inside the café.

   Once everyone got their food and drinks, you all were chatting about random things. It was fun, sitting there, chilling with friends.

   Later, everyone finished their food, so you all left the café. Amelia had the idea to invite everyone over once again. As usual, everyone agreed on that, and you all took the bus back to your place.

   You all were having a great time. The five of you decided that you wanted to make cookies. Before the baking, you already knew that this was going to be a chaotic mess.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now